Hardy de Kock said:
Lance even learned to appreciate "pap" on the trip. (not sure if it was mentioned)
I completely forgot about that!
Hardy hit the nail on the head about taking the time to enjoy your trip and choosing a bike that won't tire you. If I did not have my CRF230F, I would have taken my Rally. The initial plan was actually to take the Rally, with Lance on his 800GSA, but both of us decided that smaller would be more fun. No reason to half-kill yourself if you don't need to. I would have survived on the Rally, but I'm sure I would have reached camp an exhausted mess on the more technical days.
When we started riding, we often joined big group rides, but these are dangerous. You'd find youself riding outside your comfort zone in order to keep up. Now it's usually just Lance and I. Or else, a tour like this one, where everyone can go at their own speed. As long as Lance is navigating, I have full confidence that we will reach our destination. Even on that long day, where we had a 1.5-hour rest stop and kept speed down to 40-50 km/h thanks to low oil and fuel levels, we still got to camp shortly after sundown.
I've been on a tour where you can set your own pace, but people don't get the tracks. If an event happens where the backup and back-markers miss each other (which also happened on that tour), things can go south quickly. Hardy gave us the tracks, so I was never worried about whether we were going in the wrong direction!
Also, another tip we learnt from Hardy and crew: Rehidrat. I thought it was just a gimmick. Nope. We now take it on all our dirt bike trips. It's weird how it just takes that tired edge off. And I don't have a dehydration headache by the end of the day. ;D
Grootseun said:
I really enjoyed the photo-heavy nature of the report. Its always a difficult balance between enjoying riding and sacrificing foto’s and vice-versa.
I'm glad you like the photos. :thumleft: There's no real sacrifice during the trip, since most of the photos are snapshots from footage. Lance can switch his GoPro on/off while riding (it's attached to his helmet). The time sacrifice therefore doesn't happen during the trip, but after, which is preferable. As an example: The Brandberg riding day has 173 pictures; only 25 of those are photos, mostly from campsites or rest stops. Yet it took close to 19 hours to take snapshots from the footage and choose photos just for this day. That doesn't count Lance's time to run them all through Lightroom, so add probably another 3 hours.