Karoo backroads to the bash (plenty of pictures)

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as always, a cool report with stunning pics  ;)

But a great report, thanks man!


  • gaydar.jpg
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Damn great report.  :thumleft: It was great talking to you and his hotness fokken Runner.  :biggrin:
My f@k.

You post way to little RR's.

As usual. Top notch! :razz: :thumright:
Fantastic ride report.

I recognise some of those roads and places from a trip I did from PE to Nieu Bethesda. Beautiful area.

Those itching to know the route..... Get out Mapsource and do a route sticking to the thin black lines. They are all exciting public roads just waiting to be discovered.

A very lekker report.  It was a pleasure meeting and being able to share a WD Bash with you.
You need to submit this to the monthly Photo competition


  • DSCF0094.jpg
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This report is special. The pictures have soul.

This chokes me up... so waar. I want to ride like this. :eek:
Great report!
Thanks for al the photos.
Excellent Ride report  :thumleft:

Thanks for sharing, there are some really cool pictures in there, with a nice story too  :mwink:
Very nice report and pics - just shows the Karoo has a lot to offer - put it on my list of rides to do
AMAZING PICS!!!!  :thumleft:  :thumleft: and a great report - a definite must see destination  ;)

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