Karoo solo ride

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Pack Dog
Oct 21, 2011
Reaction score
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
Hi all.

I might have to sell my bike 1st thing in the new year and want to do one last epic trip. All by my lonesome.  :ricky:

My area of choice; Die Karoo. More specisfic, the area between Sutherland, Loxton, Carnarvon and Williston.

I'll have about 5 or 6 days and don't want to book accommodation or work out routes. Basically, I just want to go where I'm heading and be where I am. No plans, no commitments, no worries.

What I will appreciate from the guys who know this area; is the following:

Is daar enige plekke, paaie of passe wat mens absoluut MOET doen, sien of ry in daai area? Those places which leave you speachless in awe of the vastness and beauty of the Karoo?

Ook, is daar enige besonders spesiale blyplekke? Miskien n kampplekkie of huisie reg op die rant van die plato, of langs n dam, of so iets? Iets spesiaal.

Also, since I'll be all by my self, is there any roads or places I should avoid? Ek wil nie myself in die moeilikheid inry en dan gestrand sit in die middel van nêrens nie.

Will appreciate your input.

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