Kasteelberg and surrounds

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Race Dog
Oct 2, 2007
Reaction score
I had a litte route planned out. I was hoping to do the whole alternative route thing, all be it solo. In the end it changed to me riding out to riebeek west. on the friday afternoon, going for a couple of doppe in the evening with some old school mates and then see how far we could go up the mountain.

Friday afternoon, i went hunting for an alternative way to mount my HTC to my bars... I found a blackberry heavy duty pouch that would work .. i was nogal stoked.

Packed my bags, filled up with fuel.. Shot through the  back of parklands, past the quarry and ended up the the N7. I then proceeded to the Old malmesbury road that showed up as gravel. I was moerse excited.. a whole gravel road all the way to malmesbury...


Any how, does this look like a gravel road?


I took the road and rode through kalbaskraal and ended up in Malmesbury... Went throught the top, passed the police station and traffic department  and eventually got to my first proper dirt road.



Went out for drinks on friday night, eventually crawled into bed at around 3am, up at 745 thinking... hey i wonder if the fuel pumps are open , and if my drinking partner.. on his YZ450 is to babbelas to ride..

anyways .. we got going at around 10am...

Decided that we going to take the SARS service road to riebeek kasteel, then head up the pass and into the mountain.

We rode a bit and got to a gate, without checking to see if it was actually open or not, we assumed that it would be locked and decided to take the railway..

this obviously sometimes work . but when you have a babbelas and you cant get onto the railway, you end up swearing the bike and sending the bike back to the service road. Then we discovered that the gate was actually open....


and then you push your bike through... alcohol is nasty and makes you angry at the best of times... no need to struggle with a kickstarter.


We went up the mountain pass and ended up halfway up the mountain.. the track was very rocky with rocks the size of basketballs and rugby balls. 






I then found a track that was insanely steep, im estimating roughly about 60 degrees at some points with huge rocks... It was like a mini roof of africa experience.. the YZ450 stalled twice, the heavier flywheel of the WR made me chug through it.





At the top it hit me... we have to now find a way back down.. What a slip and sliding experience... eventuallly got down.... if the bike was any heavier then it was... we might of had a problem...

there is a nice road behind the mountain (riebeeks rivier) that runs around the back end... we cruised down there and headed back to town.

The YZ leaving its mark...







A vid of the Yz Chugging up the mountain.
Nice one SteeO  :thumleft: , I have all ways wondered if there was a track up and along the mountain. Where abouts did you turn off the main gravel rd. How close to the top.
As you come down the mountain just before the farm ( cant remember the name now)  you turn left into the vineyards.. you will eventually find yourself on a nice little trail. its not very long, but becomes really technical when it gets steeper... much steeper.... 

You would be very brave to want to do it with the 950.

We got up about 1/2 way on the one side. then the road just dies. Im sure there are other roads that go higher...

:thumleft: will have a look see the next time I'm out there.

Hey BRA, wa jou no plaat, en jou regter agter vlikker dop?  :deal::eek: ::) :p
surf said:

Hey BRA, wa jou no plaat, en jou regter agter vlikker dop?  :deal::eek: ::) :p

Hy le hier erens... ry nooit met hom nie... die flikker is n ander storie... die gazorst smeld hom....