Knysna weekend - the furthest my bike has been from home (now with text!)

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Hey Wes,

Awesome report - you guys really have the right approach - take the roads less travelled.

You are Lucky to have a little lady that you can share these special moments with.

S650DL said:
Hey Wes,

Awesome report - you guys really have the right approach - take the roads less travelled.

You are Lucky to have a little lady that you can share these special moments with.


That is for me the cool thing as well - being able to be there - in the moment - sharing it with her and not having to tell her about it afterwards.

This is a nice report. Thanks wes.

Next time, try and smile a bit. You look way too serious in the pics! :mrgreen:
the_wes said:
tok-tokkie said:
Did you sneak through both ways without getting wet?

i am confused. but to possibly answer your question, there were no water crossings involved at all (much to my dismay)
Badly put question.  It did not refer to the photo.  Did you get rained on on the up or return trip is what I meant to ask.
o right now i get it

didn't hit a single spot of rain, the weather played along nicely  ;D
Nice rides.

It's a pitty that you couldn't do Montagu pass, but there is also just so much you can fit into a day. From the photos you can see that the sun was getting low already and it is the wiser thing to not be caught on unfamiliar grounds in the dark with a passenger...

You've discovered what a lot of us have known for a little while - The Garden Route and 'surrounding' close by Klein Karoo area is a wealth of DS riding options. You'll have people like Trailrider who grew up there, has had his current bike for a year (and 10 000km - all of them on gravel roads in his area) and still hasn't seen it all. He will also not become 'uitgekuier' for riding that area for years to come.

Someone who lives in George, have a DS bike with petrol in the tank saying he's bored is just plainly lying.
The good thing about it is that it is doable over a weekend (take halfday on a Friday, ride there before sunset, do a ride out the Saturday and come back the Sunday).
In this instance it is also worth while to consider getting a bike trailer - you don't want to race out there on the bike just to do a long ride the Saturday to race back again on Sunday. The relaxed car ride for two sets you up for a little more leisure while not having to worry about riding back in daylight. (But that's only if you can't make a long weekend out of it) ;)

What you should also do now is search ride reports about people that's been in the area (theres lots - like TR's epic ride, me and my wife's two up to rhodes trip, Luckystriker, Butch etc - also check out TR's blog ) and check out the pictures again - it is amazing how the pictures just all of a sudden look different when your mind has got the 'bigger picture' and fills in the area outside the border of the photo in your minds eye.

The more I ride, the more I dig out  (and appreciate) older ride reports about the same areas.

I say it again - having a willing partner that is also enjoying sharing this passion/hobby is really cool.
Maybe you can get her to do a little write up from her perspective ?

Thanks for posting about this.

Eisbein said:
(take halfday on a Friday, ride there before sunset, do a ride out the Saturday and come back the Sunday).

sounds like a plan  ;D

although i was thinking more take the thurs, fri and mon off, 2 days riding there (via much dirt and detours all the way, say 400-500km/day mostly on dirt), ride the area on saturday. ride it some more on sunday. quick ride back on the monday.

;D ;D ;D
the_wes said:
Eisbein said:
(take halfday on a Friday, ride there before sunset, do a ride out the Saturday and come back the Sunday).

sounds like a plan  ;D

although i was thinking more take the thurs, fri and mon off, 2 days riding there (via much dirt and detours all the way, say 400-500km/day mostly on dirt), ride the area on saturday. ride it some more on sunday. quick ride back on the monday.

;D ;D ;D

That could also work nicely !

It is just amazing how quickly your leave days gets eaten by long weekend trips.
I can 'trade in' overtime for offdays instead of getting the money for it - I've used that option a couple of times...

the_wes said:
Fidel Castro!!

Great trip wes, thanks for sharing
what a beautiful route you chose. Great stuff!
Eisbein said:
LuckyStriker said:
Fidel Castro!!

Hahahahaha !

He does look the part !

Or maybe Lecap reincarnated ?


Or perhaps 'Gesiggie in die bos'....... ;D ;D
Since Wes bought that Dakar razor blades are not part of the budget.... ;D ;D
Cool report there Wes, you guys have some awesome riding opportunities in the Cape.

Here's a man, boasting the Fidel look with face mullet the works, on a DS bike, on a long weekend, with love of his life.........and not a single smile!  ;) ;)
That route is really great , they say the more you ride the more the furrrrr grows and the smile turns into a "grimmace" well done I am sure your pillion had a great tiime. ;D

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