I tested a 990R on Saturday on a open road and was very surprised/disappointed to find that the helmet buffeting on this bike is much worse than on my HP. I am 1.89m. Same helmet, same day my HP, with only a very small screen, is actually a lot more comfortable. From past experience a lack of airflow "underneath or behind" the screen is the problem. On the KTM the screen is fixed all round.
Is there a screen option that will reduce this, or
Is it possible to mount spacers at the back of the standard screen to create flow underneath the fixture? I have not checked for this as I was too disappointed with the ride.
...Or is a KTM 990 only meant for kortgatte???

Is there a screen option that will reduce this, or
Is it possible to mount spacers at the back of the standard screen to create flow underneath the fixture? I have not checked for this as I was too disappointed with the ride.
...Or is a KTM 990 only meant for kortgatte???