I had a great total of 2 pictures to add.
Ek was die naweek in 'n HINDERLAAG.... baie laag gele en niemand gehinder nie... behalwe toe ek tydens die rugby per ongeluk voor die sat. skottel ingeloop het.

I did a leisurely cruise via Standerton, Volksrust, Newcastle, Dundee, Pomeroy and Tugela Ferry.
Maar ooooooo donder is dit nou 'n kakiebos pad. They are still not finished with the roadworks and when I got to Pomeroy and Tugela Ferry it was Friday in deepest darkest AFRIKA. I battled to get through the traffic with the bike.
When I got out of Tugela Ferry eventually, I had to get my mind into the correct frameset and I turned off onto the Weenen dirt road. It goes all along the Tugela river and it was in excellent condition. A bit of a detour, but definitely worth the extra.
From Weenen I klapped it via Muden to Greytown and managed to pass a posse of noisy slow bikes on the way :imaposer:.
As I approached Greytown I saw some lights and it was Mr Roxenz with a big smile... I suppose he was relieved to open up the bike and ride a bit. :ricky:
The rest is history.