KZN souti joins northe Cape bash

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Slim Jim

Race Dog
Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Mooi River KZN
Yamaha XT660
Well this the first time I'm doing an R&R

This started with probebly 1 to many beers and a brain fart. 280o km 4 days [turned into 5] and mostly dirt.Did all my rought planing and was supose to leave friday morning early, but tinkering in work shop thursday and the bike packed and just looking at me ,,,,,,,,,,stuff let me leave now.Pitched up the wifes work and said good by.Left Mooi river and went back roads to Underburg got some borevorse and some bread rolls and had some slup chips and beer at th local pub and headed of to silverstreams camp.That's an awsome place and R150 for the night and had the entyre place to my self.lovely ablutions,peace and quite.set up camp and made a fire ,couple of wiskeys and went to sleep to the sound of rain on the tent


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day 2
Well it started off wet,made coffee wet suit on packed soggy kit and left around 7.30 [I figured I cut alot of milage off for Friday so there is no rush , well that turned into a brain fart] set off in the mud and did abit of tarr and dirt to mattatiela and filled up and stocked up with a six pack and carried on.the road was nice and did a casual ride to Maclair and had a street wize two and 2 snack burges and shoved them in my bag and set off to fined Potriver pass.My GPS couldn't pick it so I stopped and asked for directions from 2 teenage locals, I giggled at there answer [no we never saw athing and we never did nothing] Hell they did something alrite, well found the start o potriver and had a smoke break when a farmer stoped and asked were I was going.He said no Boet go through Barkley east to Rhodes , Naudeers nek is kak. I thought for abit and figuerd Ive done bezuidenhouts pass so how bad can it be [well another brain fart] Did pot river and got to Naudeers and what a balls up!!!! they were doing road works and it was just rocks and it was dark and my fork seals had gone and iesh it was long.Went down Carlisle pass and got to Rhodes at around 8.30 and nacked.Paid for camping , grabed a six pack at walker about and got to the camp site [R60]
The ablutions were locked and it was dark and I was tierd so I parked on the verander and put my sleeping bag down next to my bike,Had my snack burgers and a beer or to ,took my shoes off and climbed into my sleeping in full kit and rain suit and passed out for the night


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Slimjim, ek hoop jy het veilig by die huis gekom .
Was lekker om jou te ontmoet ( ons was mos bure  by Gariepdam Bash) en jy so flippen ver gery :ricky:
Hoop jy sort jou fiets vining uit sodat jy weer kan stof opskop.
Oh I never mentioned The grave is my sisters , I stoped in there between Underburg and Swatberg to pay a vizit and clean her grave and ahve a beer with and play catch up.

Day 3.
That started off early [concrete is rather hard] Quick coffee and packed up and set off for Barkley east.Lovely road and lots of twisties,a lesure ride to there ,it's a alrite little town,stocked up on a six pack and some fuel on went on the serch for Jouberts pass.Oh my hat what a place !!!! the pass was amaizingly buitifull. took my time on that one and was gob smacked for 80km into Lady Grey.That place is stunning.Filled gas and set off for Aliwal noth [ now there is a place I never left any thing......not my cup of tea , it stank proper] From there on I took every by road and dirt road I could fined to Burgers stad and Ventersstad. I got half way to burgerstad and stoped for a smoke break in the middle of nothing and the straight roads.A old man in a scruffy Hilux stoped and asked if everything is all good .Then he said.........F#$k seun wat doen jy heerrrr, seun ek se' jou [as he put his hand above his head] heer grooi F#@l all so hoog. I had the gigles with that one.pushed on to River destiney for the bash and got there around 5ish. Tent up , a good shower and a meet and greet .met some awsome people couldn't understand them as they spoke proper afrikaans ,nicks gemegle. Had a few cold ones and a braai bread to kill for and had an early night.


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Day 4
I knew I was in for along day in the saddle ,up early and packed up and set off after coffee, I got lost getting out river destiny that took me awile to get out and then started the dirt to smith field. Iesh I never left anything there iether. That a strange place. well hit dirt to hobhouse with all the sand monstersfor around 80km [yup thers nothing in that place aswell. I couldn't get over how staight the roads are . learnt to ride with the left hans and chill on my tank bag.Had a beer in Ladybrand and sleeped to Clockerlaan,Ficksburg,Fouriesburg and Clarence.A staight and unaventfull ride.Had a propper steak and chips in Clarence and made my way to Golden gate and had a wiskey or 2 and slept like a dead man . that was along day in the saddle.Lovey place that.One of my high lights there was this couple unhooked there caravan in the road and I was thinking what the hell they going to sleep in the road? he popes up with a remote control and moved the thing all over the place , never new you could get remote controll stuff for toppies


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more of day 4


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naaice... :deal:

sorry bout your sister but good on you to visit  :thumleft:
day 5
Got woken by baboons big time. Had an awsome sleep and new it was only a 250 km trip home so I was in no hurry. I was packing up and sucking on a coffee and whatched a babbon steel next door bags and scoffing there food .Much to there disapointment . Well took a lesure ride home [hecktick wind at sterkfontian dam ] but that that cleared and got home around 2 and had a shower and a good kip [spent this morning doing washing and packing away] Need to get new fork seals and get that done and plan the next one. It was was awsome.


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Nice Ride report, thanks for sharing  :thumleft:
Nice meeting a rou engelsman  ;D

Lekker RR
Looking at all your luggage , you must of had at least 20 2l coke bottles of sea water for all the vaalies!  :peepwall:
Slim Jim said:
day 5
Got woken by baboons big time. Had an awsome sleep and new it was only a 250 km trip home so I was in no hurry. I was packing up and sucking on a coffee and whatched a babbon steel next door bags and scoffing there food .Much to there disapointment . Well took a lesure ride home [hecktick wind at sterkfontian dam ] but that that cleared and got home around 2 and had a shower and a good kip [spent this morning doing washing and packing away] Need to get new fork seals and get that done and plan the next one. It was was awsome.

Good taste in beer Slim Jim! O0
Nice one Jim and nice meeting you. :thumleft:
Hey Mate. Nice RR thanks for the share and ride, sounds like you had some fun.  ;D :ricky: