Cave Girl said:
Yes a great weekend sorry I lost you guys at the end really thought you had turned onto the freeway and then once I was on could not backtrack. I guess it reitterates the importance of keeping the person behind you in your mirror even if ir means you have to ride a little slower. Frustrating as that may be
I now have to comment. For an entire weekend everyone waited for you at every intersection. No matter how long it took. Everyone made sure you were fine. It’s what we do when riding together. You just taking a turn-off was entirely NOT ok. Funny thing is that you have done this enough times before that while we sat for ages waiting for you, we had already assumed you had done it again. Watching the rider behind you does not mean that the rider in front of you has to ride at your speed on TAR when we are stopping every 20 odd km’s anyway. The responsibility for the rider in front of you is to make you aware of direction changes, as per ride briefing. For heaven sakes, you state you ride dirt at 130, but can’t even ride with a group on tar unable to exceed 120 due to the small bikes on the ride. Also, you mentioned to TG on the phone you had assumed we had got tired of waiting for you… why, we had done just that since Saturday morning! You volunteered to be back marker, we assumed you would be experienced enough to know we would never turn without you being made aware of it.
You hinting that the rider in front of you was at fault for you leaving the road is not ok! You left it and should be apologizing to us for making us worry and wait for ages, with every intention of riding back to find you… guess we were lucky you answered your phone before all that happened. Actually, I’m rather stunned that you tried to blame someone else.
I personally detest confrontation, but heng, this has happened enough times before for something to be said. Enough people have discussed your riding etiquette for it to be general knowledge. You are either part of the group, or you are not! Selfish riding is not acceptable in group riding!
Like what I say or not, it does not matter, problem now is how many times do you cry wolf, and what happens if the wolf really appears!
I regret if this puts a dampner on anyones feelings, but a few girls are already feeling a bit shattered by the comment made.