Leo's RR Index

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Brakpan, South Africa
Sorry for this, but my lazy friend continually bug me for links to this or that RR of several years ago, so now I can direct the lazy farkers to here and they can look for themselves.

As we grow older we reminisce about days gone by and like to read the the RR's of the days we rode alot more and actually managed a few trips.

Now we seldom ride as a group, and seldom, ok never, post any RR's so please pardon me.  :ricky:

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=372.msg3666#msg3666 Easter 2006 dd 15 Februarie 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=1018.msg12228#msg12228 Easter Chill – Mozambique dd 18 April 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=1080.msg13579#msg13579 Mpumalanga dd 30 April 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=1369.msg17237#msg17237 Jericho River by da Sea – Lots of sand dd 29 May 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=2264.msg28534#msg28534 Grandpa run dd 14 August 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=2448.msg30833#msg30833 Swazi Rally 2006 dd 27 August 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=2642.msg34276#msg34276 Swazi Rally (Rather late than never) dd 13 September 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=2874.msg37221#msg37221 GS Challenge 2006 dd 28 September 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=3368.msg44329#msg44329 Rhino Rally dd 20 October 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=3794.msg50076#msg50076 Gauteng Toy Run 26 Nov 06 dd 27 November 2006

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=5487.msg73811#msg73811 Badplaas – Feb 2007 dd 25 Februarie 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=5977.msg80872#msg80872 Buff 2007 dd 10 Maart 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=6881.msg92816#msg92816 Leo and friends in Mozambique dd 3 May 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=8979.msg120994#msg120994 Leo the Lowveld Lion (NOT) dd 31 July 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=9240.msg124522#msg124522 Leo returns to Lesotho and Bloem dd 12 August 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=9842.msg135428#msg135428 Leo and Friends at the Swazi ’07 dd 4 September 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=10005.msg138642#msg138642 Leo does Loskop dd 10 September 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=10463.msg147237#msg147237 Leo’s GSC Alternative dd 27 September 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=11923.msg173401#msg173401 Leo and Friends at the Wilgers River dd 12 November 2007

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=13419.msg199401#msg199401 Leo’s Dec “07 rides dd 4 Januarie 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=15950.msg247761#msg247761 Leo goes Buffalo Hunting 08 dd 16 Maart 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=16831.msg264991#msg264991 Leo does the Locomotion dd 13 April 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=20157.msg333903#msg333903 Leo finds Marico Mampoer – not dd 13 July 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=22008.msg374946#msg374946 Leo and Friends at the Swazi ’08 dd 1 September 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=22941.msg396190#msg396190 Leo and mates in Mozambique “08 dd 28 September 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=24315.msg428208#msg428208 Leo does Badplaas dd 2 November 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=25147.msg446857#msg446857 Leo does the cherry Festival dd 23 November 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=25591.msg456163#msg456163 Leo’s trip down memory lane (Not a ride, but rather a recent travel report) dd 6 December 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=26202.msg467744#msg467744 Leo and Excalibur’s summer Antics dd 31 Desember 2008

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=26540.msg474616#msg474616 Leo does Rooiberg dd 11 Januarie 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=27745.msg500660#msg500660 Leo and Friends discuss “Poena is Koning” at Loskop dd 8 Feb 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=30006.msg552165#msg552165 Leo’s Buffalo Hunt 2009 dd 26 March 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=6358.msg86000#msg86000 The Leo goes hunting, but gets soaking wet dd 9 April 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=31596.msg587396#msg587396 Leo’s Parys DeAar Adventure rally and more dd 04 May 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=34941.0 Honey turns 100 dd 14 Julie 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=35013.msg671165#msg671165Africa Friendship Safari ‘09 dd 15 July 2009

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=43618.msg855568#msg855568 Leo does the Wakkerstroom Shuffle dd 19 Januarie 2010

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=45892.msg907660#msg907660 Breedtsnek and the Highly Priced dd 28 February 2010

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=46277.msg916219#msg916219 Leo and Dabulamanzi – chapter 2 dd 7 March 2010

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=47669.msg948747#msg948747 Leo’s Thabazimbi Gynaecologist Visit dd 3 April 2010

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=48963.msg978170#msg978170 Leo’s 2010 Parys DeAar Adventure rally dd 29 April 2010

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=52554.msg1052635#msg1052635 Africa Frienship Safari ’10 dd 8 Julie 2010

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=67230.msg1371699#msg1371699 Sani Pass – Leo & mates dd Mar 2011

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=69414.msg1419337#msg1419337 SA Trip by Leo & drinking mates with a riding problem dd 4 May 2011

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=84271.msg1680941#msg1680941 Leo does a Courier Service dd 21 November 2011

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=87351.msg1735785#msg1735785 Leo and Excalibur at Koro Koro in Jan 12 dd 4 January 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=87427.msg1734368#msg1734368 Leo’s Dec 11 Trails and Tribulations dd 5 January 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=94885.msg1852179#msg1852179 Leo and Friends at Sandstone Estate – Kalahari Sunrise dd 25 March 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=103690.msg2026090#msg2026090 Mozambique, friends and R&R dd 27 July 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=104770.msg2045257#msg2045257 Can you over-fortell it – Yet another R&R trip dd 13 August 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=108281.msg2110649#msg2110649 Leo in the Tuli – Sep 2012 dd 3 October 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=111072.msg2163104#msg2163104 PTA BMW Club ride to De Wildt and Die Groot Klip dd 11 November 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=113221.msg2200503#msg2200503 Die “man cave” trippie dd 9 Desember 20012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=114776.msg2226812#msg2226812 Die Hel – Leo and mates dd 6 January 2013

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=114846.msg2228334#msg2228334 Attakwaspas Des 12 – Leo and mates dd 7 January 2013

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=114838.msg2228139#msg2228139 Koro Koro Jan 13 – Leo and Mates dd 7 January 2013

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=181517.msg3377353#msg3377353 Leo and mates at the 2015 Bash dd 13 October 2015

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=136617.msg2627614#msg2627614 The inaugural Makakeng bash at Pôkôlô 2013 dd 20 October 2012

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=197694.msg3650137#msg3650137Africa Friendship Safari 2016 – Doodsakker and Van Zyl’s pass dd 17 Augustus 2016

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=201654.msg3712442#msg3712442 HP2 10 Year Anniversary Get Together dd 7 November 2016

https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=203514.msg3739224#msg3739224 Leo, the Lowveld and good riding mates dd 21 December 2016

That All Folks  :ricky:
Toema, ek het ook gedink die dag as ek alleen is gaan ek myle op my bike sit..... Nou kom ek agter dit was net wensdenkery!!!
Leo said:
LouisXander said:
Nou kom ek agter dit was net wensdenkery!!!

:imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

I see some of the links don't display any photos - no sure what the farkup is.  ;)

Some photo sites have terminated their public services e.g. Photobucket