Lesotho Blitz

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Race Dog
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
I've been to Lesotho three times previously, but this time was the quickest by far. I bought a TTR 250 from a chap in Durban last week, and decided to ride it back home (I stay in Midrand), getting to know the bike and its manners in the process.

I bought a bus ticket to arrive in Durban early Thursday morning, and the previous owner was kind enough to send his driver to pick me up at 7:30 from the bus terminal.  I arrived at their offices at 8:00 and by 9:00 all the paperwork was in order, EFT done and my power socket and GPS fitted. Luckily there were enough attachment points to tie down my duffel bag,containg some tools, spare clothes and my sleeping bag.

My GPS first stuffed me around a bit but once it cleared its head I was on my way by 9:30. My route was from Durbs to Himeville via the N3 and R617, then up Sani. After a KFC lunch in Himeville at 12:30, I headed to the pass. The road is in a great condition and was no trouble at all compared to my previous three visits. Passports were stamped and last phone calls made by 14:00. The road between the pass and Mokothlong is also improving, with the Chinese hard at work. In a short while this bit won’t take longer than an hour, even by car.

I slept over at Afriski on the A1, arriving there at 17:00. The backpackers were closed for renovation, so I had to stay in the lodge, which stuffed up my budget a bit. Nonetheless, it was great having a proper bed and shower, and the food at the restaurant is excellent.

By 6:15 the next morning I was up, packed and on the road. The bit of tar between Oxbow and Butha Buthe is excellent riding, and my opinion is that Lesotho’s tar roads are the most fun thing on offer there, not its dirt roads. I loved it, even on the little 250, leaning over and cutting corners, no trucks and taxi’s in the way. 

From Caledons Poort it was tar all the way home, arriving in Midrand at 12:30.

The little Yamaha did everything I asked, and I kept it at an Indicated 110 on the tar.  Fuel consumption was about 22 km/l. I expected better, but I was wringing its neck most of the time. On the 3000 m passes it also struggled at bit, but that is to be expected with sea level jetting. I’ll have it dyno’ed up here sometime soon.

Anyways, Lesotho is always fun on a DS bike, and it will see me and The Blouaap many more times!

Fueled up in Durbs:

The customary waterfall pic:

Almost on top:

Seems like the sign moved?

Refueling in Mokothlong:


Back in RSA:

baie cool vetkat, lekker ride!
like ook daai spirit helmet, ekt ook al paar goed by hulle gekoop en beindruk sover.
110 is n lekker cruising spoed, wat sou daai ttr kry met die krane vol oop? ek mis nogal n ligte bike  :pot: