Lesotho: Delivering the Disc

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Race Dog
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, SA
The licence disc of one of the bikes in Lesotho expired and I had the new one with me.  Only one way, go and deliver it.  Dust Rat invited some friends along and a ride was born at the same time.  So we set off at 6, evidence of yesterday's rain still very fresh.  The gravel roads were a little slippery here and there for starters, improving to the greatest traction as the sun dried things.  Dust free - great riding with the freshest air available on the planet and water everywhere.  Hard to believe that the stuff is becoming a scarce commodity.  


Stopped in Wepener for fuel and got breakfast (energy bar and cooldrink) from the Chinese supermarket.  


Dust Rat....  No dust yet....


Zastron Border post.



Next Fuel station - Twister needed some air in the SE's front wheel.  Got a free work-out as well.  Kick starting experience needed to operate that pump.



Took a scenic detour to the station, I really enjoy this kind of terrain.  And it was the best day to be out there.  The sun was catching up on all the burning it did not do over the last week as well!



Check how green the place is!



One of many mills where you grind your corn kernels into "pap meel".


There is a river to cross, the level looked right but what I did not know is that all the rain had caused some change to the sub-aquatic landscape.  Testing the water....


Some consultation with the locals revealed the right line and we all crossed without major incedent.  A few close calls however....




A short hop later we were at our destination where we were treated to some Marie buscuits and cooldrink by Ntate Moletsane and the ladies.  Did some catching up on the local happenings and did what we came for - fitted the new disc to the Honda - Mission accomplished.  Sat around and enjoyed the mountains and did a quick tour of the fields.  The mealies enjoyed the rain too - you could hear them grow.....  Did not take pics of all of this, some of the others did - hoping they will post.

The return journey took us over a mountain pass into Mohaleshoek.  Nice scenic route, but dictates sensible riding.  The road took a bit of a pounding from flood water here and there, but was a pleasure to ride.  Did not take enough pics!   :mad:

Here are some:


Check, even the horse rider was walking next to his steed....






Fueled up again in Mohaleshoek and headed home.  Stopped for a russian and chips in Wepener.  Back in Bloem by 17:00 via the same gravel road - now with some dust.  What a great day out there, I really enjoyed!  Best part of 600 km for the day with very little black top.  I did not do any riding during the holidays - this was a good start to the catching up I have to do....  Thanks to all who came along, next one soon!
Lekker trip there. Thanks for the pics :thumleft:
Some pictures I took


  • Marie.JPG
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  • The Disk.JPG
    The Disk.JPG
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  • The View from the stoep.JPG
    The View from the stoep.JPG
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  • The Crossing.JPG
    The Crossing.JPG
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SGB knows all the best routes


  • The Route.JPG
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  • The route 2.JPG
    The route 2.JPG
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  • The Route 3.JPG
    The Route 3.JPG
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Mooi man, bly jy het darem 'n foto geneem toe ek die skyfie opgesit het.....  Dit was tog die doel van die trip.  :thumleft:
Plesier. Ek hoop nie dit is te lank voor die volgende lisensie verval nie
Great Little Trek SGB!
Wepner has the best breakfasts at the Lord Fraser - also good pub if there later in the day.  :ricky:
Flip manne dit lyk na n lekker trip ,kan ons nou al ons name opsit vir volgende jaar.  :thumleft:
We are actually very lucky to be able to do a round trip into Lesotho in one day,thanks SGB for the great route, knowledge of LS and speaking the lingo etc etc. Ummm!!!! Losper en HP Freak jammer maar julle pods so gehaak het daar waar die ponie nie op gery kon word maar ons sal julle daar deur dra as ons moet :biggrin:
HP FREAK said:
Flip manne dit lyk na n lekker trip ,kan ons nou al ons name opsit vir volgende jaar.  :thumleft:

Hoekom wil jy so lank wag?  Ons kry maklik 'n verskoning om soontoe te ry - daar is altyd 'n rede.....
Great year you had there Blazes.

I see Fire Cracker is quite handy with a spade. :mwink:

I just got back from Richard Bay , been riding and falling in the Sand with Chico and thoes other hooligans up ther.
SGB, jy kan moruti Basson se garage post in "show us a pic of your garage" ;D
Lekker een SGB, ons besef nie altyd hoe bevoorreg ons is met al die wonderlike roetes om ons nie....Lesotho is die regte plek vir n Africa Adventure en dit is reg op ons voorstoep, maak nie saak waar jy in SA bly nie. My beste trippie was die een saam met jou en ACR na Katse dam (2008) in die middel van die winter. Daai een moet n jaarlikse instelling word.  :thumleft: