DEON 1190
Race Dog
Just saw some info on a new piece of tarred road in Lesotho , A4 from Qachas nek back to Maseru , did some more google snooping and it looks like there is some awsome mountain roads to go ride , Yes aware of the spectacular offroad , but for now keen on infor re tar .
I know the A1 from Caledons poort to Sani is tarred and being repaired , new piece to Monatsa also being tarred . The A1 to leribe also being redone , I have in the past ridden to Mohale as well as Semonkong , but not sure if the A5 from from Semonkong to the T junction on the A4 is tarred , looks like a nice ride . the A4 & A2 back to Maseru looks like another great ride .
I know they are busy with a new road from Mogholaneng A1 to Katse , but that could take some time to complete .
So if all paved then it opens options to plan a long weekend ride , Possibly start is Ladybard/ Maseru , ride the southern mountains and then return to clarence to ride the northern mountains . The Caledon's poort to Sani Is a 500k round trip that take a full day of pretty hard riding, To squeze it all in I am not so sure , maybe have to do it over 2 long weekends . 1 south one north , but googling the map the road looks awsome ,
I know the A1 from Caledons poort to Sani is tarred and being repaired , new piece to Monatsa also being tarred . The A1 to leribe also being redone , I have in the past ridden to Mohale as well as Semonkong , but not sure if the A5 from from Semonkong to the T junction on the A4 is tarred , looks like a nice ride . the A4 & A2 back to Maseru looks like another great ride .
I know they are busy with a new road from Mogholaneng A1 to Katse , but that could take some time to complete .
So if all paved then it opens options to plan a long weekend ride , Possibly start is Ladybard/ Maseru , ride the southern mountains and then return to clarence to ride the northern mountains . The Caledon's poort to Sani Is a 500k round trip that take a full day of pretty hard riding, To squeze it all in I am not so sure , maybe have to do it over 2 long weekends . 1 south one north , but googling the map the road looks awsome ,