Stopping by these villages and taking the time to observe the smaller details really make a trip like this
more memorable. In front of that hut grew some bushes with small blue/purple flowers. Bees were busy
gathering nectar while piglets grazed on the grass a short distance further. The Basotho seemed to be
interested in what we were doing and didn't mind the cameras. As Dustdevil has mentioned, have a look
at how clean the village is. This is right next to a busy road between two big towns in Lesoho and not a
single piece of paper or plastic were to be seen. More than I can say of my family's farm...
The Bloemfontein - Jagersfontein road cuts right through the middle of it and one can pick up a bag full of
rubbish at any place along the 10 km stretch within 5 min. This is from people throwing things out of their
cars. Dreadful.
After crossing the Senqu River, just upstream from where we crossed two days ago, this time on a long
low water bridge we track the same piece of road we were on back then.
The day is getting on and by midday we make a stop in Thaba Tseka for petrol and lunch. At this stage we
are lucky for the weather is beautiful. On the surface we have a carefree and light spirit but underneath
and deep down there is a growing concern. I like to fill up with petrol before looking for lunch because the
petrol attendants usually know the best eating spots. The lady at the pump pointed us back the way we
came into town and at a new white building. A hotel and conference centre of some sort.
Parked safely our pony's basking in the Lesotho sun we stepped into what, at first, looked like a kitsch styled
receiving area. The dining room did surprise us though. Heavy curtains, deep soft carpets and luxurious wooden
trimmings from floor up to and on the ceiling. Very decorative.
On the menu we only had one option for food, the day's meal. Well, I suppose we don't have much of a choice then...
We didn't expect much. Boy, was I impressed when our meal did arrive. It came with salads and a pudding as well.
This for only R50 or something like that.
Both Dusty and Sack had some beer to wash the food down. Not a good idea to take alcohol at this point I thought
but I kept that to myself.