Living the Dream Solo Around the World Trip

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Geniet elke oomblik Schalk, ek sien uit na jou terugvoer!
Sit vanoggend en dink "waar is jy nou"
Voorspoed en veilige paaie  :thumleft:
Baie voorspoed met jou trip. Glo dit sal wonderlik wees. Geniet elke oomblik.

Hint: Pel van my wat vir 3 jaar deur die wereld gery het, het gevind as hy sy fiets se cover oorsit is daar baie minder nuuskieriges en is sy fiets veilier wanneer hy dit alleen moet los (veral in Afrika).

Baie sterkte!
Lucky bastard, wish I was riding along! ! have a awesome trip will follow with interest.
errrr .....calling Schalk ....calling Schalk .....come in Schalk .......How about an update  :thumleft:
Hi guys and girls I am at Cahora Bassa Dam in Mozambique. First time I have internet. Will put the trip so far and some phodies on tomorrow. Little tied right now with many a thousand potholes behind me and have seen 4 truck accidents in 3 days. Done 625km today from Gorongosa.
schalk vd merwe said:
Hi guys and girls I am at Cahora Bassa Dam in Mozambique. First time I have internet. Will put the trip so far and some phodies on tomorrow. Little tied right now with many a thousand potholes behind me and have seen 4 truck accidents in 3 days. Done 625km today from Gorongosa.

Enjoy !!

Riding first , posting second  :thumleft: