so I have the ssa2013nt map plus the southern Africa topo maps. got new laptop. and it seems garmin have removed the verification website so although I have the key etc I cannot unlock my maps. I have been toing and froing with garmin since about beginning may ..have manged to unlock the topo maps but ssa2013 final now shows as unauthenticated . garmin are creating a .gma file for me and so may finally work but this is all serious bs and im actually getting very agitated .... has anyone else had this issue how did they get round it ...
what are these new citynavigator maps ..are they same as ssa (can u create own route , tracks etc and does it work on mapsource which I still use ) ..seems a bit rude that I must purchase new maps to continue using my gps
what are these new citynavigator maps ..are they same as ssa (can u create own route , tracks etc and does it work on mapsource which I still use ) ..seems a bit rude that I must purchase new maps to continue using my gps