Long term accelerator module inputs - please add.

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Grey Hound
Dec 5, 2011
Reaction score
Yamaha T7
I fitted an accelerator module a couple of years back.  The last while the snatchy throttle response has reared its head again along with pinging, when accelerating hard and the revs not above 3,5k rpm.

This finally led me to do a search I had thought about a while back.  Can the BMW controller cancel out the effects of the accelerator module?  My seat of the pants dyno seems to confirm it can.

This is the most informative post I could find:  https://bmwsporttouring.com/ubbthreads/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=862739&page=all
"You may like the initial result but in the long run it will do nothing. The reason is the adaptives in the BMS-K.
Suggest getting caught up with the data from Roger04 RT and friends re the development of the AF-XiED which shows exactly how the Motronics and BMS-K work.

Nothing wrong with the Booster Plug idea otherwise and it is well done though limited by the BMS-K eventually.

Having tried the AF-XiED and logged data on an R1100S and a K1200GT, I'd suggest giving it a try if you want a permanent change to driveability. It can do what the Booster Plug does to open loop though given the way the adaptives work it will take a while to get there. The Booster Plug does open loop and the AF-XiED closed loop - you could run them together if you wished.

The initial install of the F-XiED on the R1100S provided a very dramatic change in driveability and throttle response- just like the guys at BB say. On the K1200GT (wedge) the most immediate effect was complete elimination of a bad case of fuel injection herky jerkies. Haven't tried it on my RT or F800 yet but intend to.

FWIW, the article noted isn't very technical- mostly anecdotal.
Should have had logged data from a GS-911 and maybe a dyno run or two with the relevant daa also shown."

It all makes sense.  When I fitted the module, I rode in shite traffic through Dunoon and Killarney.  The transformation blew me away and I preached the benefits.

If the controller has worked around it, how can I reset the values?