Long Way Round... ... - Paardeberg

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Bachelor Dog
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Town
Suzuki DR650
OK, this is as of now only a teaser.
MacDuff on recently revived into second life XT600E,
Mango on shiny later mud splattered (like all of us) green KLR,
LeCap on Black is beautiful DR650SE,
and Mrs. LeCap with freshly printed learners and Djebel200 rescued from a miserable life as a Paarl vineyard bike
went for a day trip.

The weather forecast only gave us until late afternoon before the onset of torrential rains (torrential they were indeed!)
The date was Fathers Day.
The venue: Where ever dirt can be found.

After all our bikes warpdrives were disabled for not complying with the latest hyperspace pollution regulations Baviaanskloof and the dust canyons on 3AlphaCentauri were out of question.

The Swartland was the venue.
After leaving Bothasig we hit the first civilised (=recently graded) stretches of gravel on the far end of Malanshoogte.
Luckily there is still some gravel keeping any suicidal superbikers off the lekker stretch of winding tarmac that was added on to the road past the quarry.
From there we went across on Occultdale Rd. We got to the Eskom wind energy demonstration facility. To our disappointment they demonstrated that no energy was extracted although wind being available in cupious amounts.
Slent Road proved to be less civilised then the paths travelled previously. Potholed and bombed out as usual although it was recently fixed and quite ok compared to previous visits. I always wonder how it takes the farmers only two weeks to turn this stretch of road into a mess of potholes at any given time of the year.

More tomorrow!
Ok, ok, I knew this would happen.
My apologies!

As said Slent Road was a bit bumpy but the infamous Cape Mudmonster had retreated into field entrances and drains and left us unmolested apart from initiating a colour change of the motorcycles towards Mudmonster red.

At the end of the unpaved section we turned onto tarmac passing the Paardeberg Mall (mental note: Take picture next time).

The next gravel section of the trip led us past a few farms on the slopes of Paardeberg and the soccer finals of the LCSPL (Lower Central Swartland Premier League)  :cheers:

The road was easy apart from one small and lonely sand pit.
After a few kilometres the dirt road spat us back onto the main road and we eventually ended up on the R302 towards Malmesbury.

Approaching Malmesbury and already considering to take the nice road up to Riebeek Wes we finally spotted a stretch of dirt turning off towards the Paardeberg and went to explore it. The road passed a farm and started to climb one of the ridges extending to the northwest of Paardeberg.

This was the view from the top:

Table Mountain visible in the background is some 50 kilometres away.

MacDuffs Yamaha doing fine:


From there we went down a kloof towards the R45 and crossed the tarmac road heading towards Riebeek Kasteel:

After passing the third farm the road got steep and forked below a small bluegum plantation. Both ends of the fork turned out to be dead ends leading to closed gates.
Returning to the third farm we spotted a small road in the valley below us and found a path leading to this road past the farms labourers cottages. This saved us from backtracking the farm road. The four bikes were the weekends highlight for the farm labourers children and the weekends adrenaline rush for their dogs.
Back on the R45 we turned to Wellington for some coffee.

In the meantime we could see the first clouds of the approaching cold front and decided to head back.
Our last attempt to challenge the Cape Mudmonster was successful.
Mrs. LeCap wrestling the Mudmonster:

followed by Mango:

From Slent Road we backtracked our way out of town and Mrs. LeCap and I decided to drop off the bikes at my workshop and go back to MacDuff in the car.
On Edgemead Drive it started to come down by the bucket and we arrived at the shop half soaked.
Did not dampen our mood at all:

from left: MacDuff, Mango, Mrs. and Mr. LeCap
Nice Ride! Well done Mrs. LeCap! The number of ladies riding on this forum is growing and growing. It's nice putting faces to the names and good to see your XT out and about again McDuff!

Judging by the ride reports we had LOTS of rides this weekend (and I happen to know of more rides that hasn't got reports up yet  :evil5:  ??? ).
Great to see Mango doing some mud as well - looks like you guys enjoyed the ride.

I know exactly how wet that rain was  :crybaby2:

Thanks for the post
It truly was a nice ride, very enjoyable.

Definately plenty of exploring to do around that area..thanks LeCap.

BTW Extreme Velcro, perfect starter trip for your new ride when you get
it....let me know when you're ready, and I'll take the DR, so the pace will
be relaxed.
Nice one! Btw McD, you need to shave the beard, it's longer than mine!  >:D
Stephan said:
Nice one! Btw McD, you need to shave the beard, it's longer than mine!  >:D

At least it is just as grey. :eek: :mrgreen:

Well done Mrs. Le Cap. Good to see you people went through the water and not opted to go around it. :cool:
Stephan said:
Nice one! Btw McD, you need to shave the beard, it's longer than mine!  >:D
i have to compensate for the loss on top somehow  :( :(
Nice ;)

I must say the Fathers day rain got me aswell, comming back from Sutherland.
JourneyMan said:
Well done Mrs. Le Cap. Good to see you people went through the water and not opted to go around it. :cool:

I had a very strong afinity to mud and water from my early childhood on.
Looks like Mrs. LeCap is a perfect match.

And it's called dirt bike not ride around the puddle bike :D

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