Looking for a rear shock for a 2009 F800GS

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Jan 22, 2015
Reaction score
Western Cape
Hi Fellow dogs

I'm going to try my luck here first before I contact places or people like ACME, Bikeparts online or Morne.

My rear shock seems to be fubar. after 2 attempts of a service/repair by Superfoxi I think that it is safe to say that it is time that my rear shock must be decommissioned and replaced.

It blew a seal about 4 maybe 5 years ago and it was sent to MP suspension to be repaired and a stiffer spring was added.

End of last year myself and the wife (pillion)  took a ride out to Tankwa padstal and it popped the oil seal. I sent it to Superfoxi who repaired it for me, but barely two months later it was leaking oil again and Superfoxi did a repair again and even fitted a internal nitrogen cartridge.

I barely did 2000km mostly commuting and I see that it is leaking oil again.

So if any one have a complete rear shock that they are willing to part with for some cash it would be nice. A upgraded shock will be even bigger bonus.

Regards BH