Loosing myself in the Gorge

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We are a group of mixed grade riders who do a lot of touring in KZN, Wild Coast and the Cape.  Welcome to our area and get hold of us so thatwe can hook up for the next trip.  Be good to have our first Suzuki along!
tog dink ek dit is die manier om so n trip aan te pak. 10/10
sterkte met al jou dinge daar!!! :drif:
Lighthouse Keeper, thanks, I will do just that. Errr...Suzuki?

ps are you actually a lighthouse keeper.....I know/knew a guy who was...he's lived in some very interesting places all over SA.
Lighthouse Keeper said:
We are a group of mixed grade riders who do a lot of touring in KZN, Wild Coast and the Cape.  Welcome to our area and get hold of us so thatwe can hook up for the next trip.  Be good to have our first Suzuki along!

Will be nice to go out on some non-solo rides too. If you prefer conformity I can always bring my GS  >:D

EssBee, let me know as soon as you're down here and we can arrange something...
I will most certainly look you guyz up, thanks.

GS...? I assume you are referring to a beemer 650, 1150 or 1200...judging by your avatar.
Great Report NS,

Love that part of the world - Do you have a GPS track of the trip? - may like to retrace your tyre tracks while down here in KZN.

EssBee said:
Hey Noble Steed, there have been no replies to this thread from KZN....I have already noted that there seem to be pathetically few WD's members in KZN.

We're due to move down there at the end of November. Putting an offer on a house in Forest Hills (1st hill) but everything is happening sooooooo sloooooowlyyyy.....is this the KZN pace, hope not. :bueller:

Yup. WDs in KZN are few and far between - and they always have the habit of reading the "planning" thread the day after the planned ride and then karking on you !

Had a thread plan for a sun ride out there for a week now and not a nibble from the KZNers  :(

But you gotta understand KZN kultja - planning in advance is not "cool" - everything must be "spur of the moment" - 7pm SMSs the night before.

Result is they seldom do anything  ::)

(I'm allowed to kark KZNers out - I was in Durbs 10 years, and I support the Sharks) 
But you gotta understand KZN kultja - planning in advance is not "cool" - everything must be "spur of the moment" - 7pm SMSs the night before.

Result is they seldom do anything  Roll Eyes

.....i.o.w. there could lots of POTENTIAL WD members out there in KZN....but they're too chilled/lazy/pre-occupied with more laid-back 'activities' to log on to the internet...or they've forgotten their passwords. 8)
Ja, 3 of us ride Yamaha recovery vehicles and there are two poor sods on Yammies!  I am actually the keeper at the Lighthouse in Port Edward.  Privatised jobbie and we have a lot of fun there and meet a lot of bikers at the Coffee Shop.  Have hosted tour groups from all including the Princes from the wet island recently!
The SMS are flying at the moment and we are trying to plan the next long outride - short trip up Sani then to the Dam and back via Southern Berg first and then a trip down to C/T and the West Coast in the first quarter of next year.
Got to get to meet you soon!!!  Ciao
Hey Noble Steed, there have been no replies to this thread from KZN....I have already noted that there seem to be pathetically few WD's members in KZN.

Ja, I don't know why because there are quite a few DS bikes around. I think I'm the only WD on the north coast (R/Bay). There are quite a few blokes wif DS bikes in my area, but they don't seem interested. One guy I know uses his 1150 GS only to commute. He refuses to take it off-road (Whoose). Some other guy rides (1200 GS) around wif his panniers on all the time (Poser). I've been thinking to make some WD cards and hand it out to the guys in my area when I get a chance. Maybe they are totally oblivious to the exsitance of the WD's ??? ???
Lekker report! 8)

Like your "GPS". Mine was not so advanced. Got lost quite a few times using it! :biggrin:
I missed this thread while overseas.  That is gorgeous territory you were riding in.  Cool report.
Gee what a nice area to ride in u r very fortunate  :ricky:
LK, does the name Dave Stimpson sound familiar to you. He's a semi-retired l/house keeper but I think he worked mainly in the Cape...various places.

ps. 5 more sleeps then I'm a Natalian.....geeze!

pps Cane rat...that guy who only commutes on his GS....that's not a "whoose"....that's a woes!!!
I get the impression KZN riders are a bit cliquey. I went on one really lekker ride with Gunda and have PM'd etc but nada, nothing, bugger-all. Maybe I'm too slooow.

But getting to a holiday season that promises to be a bit busy for riding, bugger!

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