That night the two old men stayed in town drinking some kind of gay blondie beer, while Gerrit, Bossie and me decided to have a last braai and piss up. We partied late into the night knowing that even though we lost someone and Bossie's bike was damaged, it was all worthwhile. The roads in Lesotho are going to be tar in a year from now, so this was a genuine last horraa. This biker enjoyed the gravel almost as much as the tar…almost, because it is a lot harder and during the day you have these hundred little incidents that could have been accidents, but it wasn't…so you think you are better than you actually are…then comes that one corner. I don't know if I would have enjoyed the trip more if I had packed light like the KTM blokes, but for me it was an accomplishment to do almost everything with my heavily loaded bike. Driving on tar might be a lot easier, but you miss that group thing when you are driving on gravel. Those 990 KTM's are beasts, but I like the look of the 1190 more, so who knows what the future holds.