Soooooooooooooooooooooo, let me write a little ride report of my shenanigans this morning. Sorry lovely lady, but I am not starting a whole new thread. Besides, the only people that matter are on this thread. hahahaha
Sorted out the DR650 over the weekend, so I finally put my leg back over a bike in the first time in two years. With my surgeries and all sorts I have been a bit iffy to be exposed on the bike, but anyway... Monday off we go and the boy boy is super happy cos he gets to ride pillion to school with his cool Mom.
Bike's carb has been cleaned, but still running rich and spluttering. I decide this morning after I drop Master Fire Jockey to go for a bit of a run around town. Short trip onto the N2 and go back into town on the fly-over. Bike cuts out. GREAT! Starts again. Off I go. Get to the top of the next intersection. Cuts out. Starts again. I get 2kms from home. AGAIN! FOR SHIT'S SAKE. Decide to go back home and tell the other half. Agh it just needs a good run.
Okidoki. Back on the bike. I get up the road and down our other main road. Come to a stop and bike is dead. Happy button says no (that's the polite version). Try several times. Leave it for a while (it wasn't flooded, but still). Twiddle my thumbs whilst everyone drives by. Phone Throttle to tell him uno problemo. He says he will be there now now. Now now never came, so I decide to freewheel down the road, hook a left still freewheeling and managed to get a bit up the other road. Try the bike again. YAY, IT'S ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE! I cane it as if the devil is behind me just to make it the kilometre up the road to get home.
Nooooooooooooooooo, stop street looming and I have to ease off the throttle. Bike cuts out, manage to stop, but it's in gear and the back brake locks up (truth be told, it might have been me braking) and I manage to stop 'gracefully', but as I still have momentum I catapult forward and the bike starts leaning. Fork, so my leg is only that strong and I just let it go before it takes me with it. Busy road so all and sundry saw it. BLIND! (Maddy and I were actually having a fat laugh about sidestand incidents yesterday... the irony)
Pick the bike up and zero happens, so I was like agh OK, calorie burn here we come and I start pushing. Two guys walk past me and say morning Ma'am. I said hello and realised they were our plasterers on their way to the house. They offered to push the bike the last block or so. Happy days!
Needless to say, I am back in the cage!
Amazing how one teeny tiny blockage can cause absolute chaos!