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dustsucker said:
IceCreamMan said:
dustsucker said:

Looks like Linda Lusardi to me not Donna ..

Excellent report

Only to the UNTRAINED EYE my man  ;D ...That is Donna Ewin 36D cup, i will recognise her blindfolded....Nardus, Gaynor Goodman was second choice, she looked like an elve with those blond hair. Was a boob man back in the days and Gaynor lacked some balloon size  :imaposer: ...also love Sian Adey Jones.

Aah â?? Gaynor Goodman.. the memories of a misspent youth comes flooding back..
A short musing if I may:
To say that Kelbrick (my colleague and partner in crime during a stint in Lohatla) â?? had an obsession with naked woman would be like saying that the sky is black. Every centrefold and picture he got his grubby hands on went onto the wall above his bed. He eventually covered 2 complete walls to the ceiling - (I shared a room with him in the barracks.)
So there we were snoring away on that lovely Sunday morning â?? still stukkend after the previous nights â??activitiesâ??, dreamland offering blissful shelter from the fact that we were supposed to be in charge of â??Kerk Paradeâ? on that particular day.
A loud bang on the door woke me. I managed to half-open one eye â?? o FOK! â?? the harsh reality of truth dawned on me. HKGK! Next moment the door bursts open and the RSM storms in. I closed my eyes quickly, faked a snore and pretended to be asleep. Secretly hoping that itâ??s all just a bad dream.
My heart raced and I was surprised when the uitkak didnâ??t start raining on me and sneaked a peek to find the RSM in a bemused/shocked/surprised state leisurely inspection our walls. When he got to a particularly racy pic showing some peeking curlys, he tapped the wall with his ever present riding crop and mumbled through his moustache â??Maar hierdie foto is mos onwettig!â? 
This didnâ??t seem to deter him though as he kept staring at it.. Finally I couldnâ??t hold it anymore and let out a muffled giggle.  He turned from red to purple in a millisecond and came down on me like a barrel of bricks.
Suffice to say that the story became less funny from there on!

Befffaaaarkkk  Nardus... thanx for sharing

Gaynor Goodman :-[ :-[ - the troopie's choice ;) Love is never further than an arm's length away... :imaposer:


We quickly had the cam sprocket sorted out and we decided that we might as well ride through Zim towards Kariba, maybe following the Zambezi River for a bit and so we were on our merry way. We found an awesome spot along the Kariba Dam to camp, about halfway between the town of Kariba and the Matusadona National Park. It was still early, but this is beautiful. We soon realized that the little track we found towards the Dam was leading to a Tsetse Fly Research Camp. All it meant was that there were 2 locals not too far off in their huts, huge herd of cattle that were being monitored and some nets in the bush to catch Tsetse flies.

The friendly folk of Zimbabwe. And who said there are no inventors in Africa? Still cannot believe that Mugabe would turn out to be so cruel towards his own people


This one is for Michnus - a water melon !!


The road to Kariba



The next morning when we woke up, I saw a Narina Trogan sitting on the tree trunk right in front of my tent. The mozies were really terrible especially at dusk and dawn. In fact, I remember waking up in the morning, hardly being able to see through the tents mosquito net at the door. Each one had its straw protruding through the holes of the mosquito net.

The perfect camping spot - between Kariba and Matusadona




We had food for only two days, but it was such a spot that we ended up staying for 5 days. I had a packet of pre-mix pronutro, powder milk and sugar. We ate that for 3 days and it was actually great.

Yes, we did wash from time to time - do not know what my finger was doing in my ring-piece ?!


The Dam, or Lake Kariba as some call it - it must have killed millions of trees and other wild life


We were invaded a couple of times by huge herds of elephant - one night a herd of well over 30. I have to admit that I felt very vulnerable and often plain shit scared. Johan, who grew up in National Parks and the like, handled these situations much better and I was often very glad that I had him as a comrade rather than another scared moegoe like me.

This one surprised me on the way to fetch water


We found a link through to the main gravel road heading south to Victoria Falls. This was really a nice ride and we were slowly getting the feel for the bikes - these roads had those 2 to 4 cm marble like stones and which were rather slippery when any quick maneuver was attempted.

The A1 road along the dam was awesome



I also remember going for a crap (veltie) in the bush (we often did this together) and whilst pushing out that last terd a couple of dung beetles would make a crash landing next to you and would start hacking away at your droppings. This was generally fine if it was of a firm substance, but more often it was not. Very amusing to watch them though.

We found another lovely little track that appeared to go into our desired direction. We could see that it was not used often and slept there in the middle of the track. That night we heard a lion or two roaring far too close to the tents for my comfort. You can actually feel the tent vibrating as it roars. Again, Johan kept his cool and we survived. As I have expected throughout the night, we found lion spoor a mere 20 meters away from our tents.



As we drove off, nothing more than 5 km, we arrived at a homestead with a local guy approaching us and looking very pissed off. We were in some hunting concession area and not actually allowed to be there. He reminded us that it was X-mas day, after introducing himself as Christmas (obviously being born on this great day his parents decided to call him that). He then invited us over for a delicious breakfast- bully beef, tomatoes and a touch of curry powder with stywe pap. What a nice guy and an awesome view of the Zambezi river. He convinced us to stay another day and then we were off, heading for Zambia by now we had decided to follow the Zambezi a bit longer. She really gets prettier and prettier the longer you follow her ...

Johan and Christmas - notice how thin Johan is - he lost almost 20kg already


We all have one of these



To follow shortly ........
Into the Wild - the movie....????
Och man, hte yearning just grows! Thanks Nardus...!

(On an aside, do you know Jan Skoene? Did several trips to Marion, was with me G41 and later mech for my last SANAE takeover (S37).)

Mods, I nominate this for hall of fame already. :)
Fuck man this is awesome true adventure no planning or backup plans just go . :ricky:
Excellent Nardus, hats off to you for doing the ride report, waiting the next installment.
Moer, Nardus jy doen die report op die verkeerde tyd jou moer!  :biggrin:

Bliksem hoe lus het ek nou vir ry.  :drif: 

Elkeen kies hoe om hulle lewens te geniet waneer hulle nog jonk is. Ek moet se, as ek kyk wat jy met joune gedoen het, het ek myne gemors. Om die grootmens werk lewe te begin met so n trip agter jou moet vir altyd voel soos om in n tronk te wees.
My trips seem so insignificant at this very moment.

Nardus, youve inherited the spirit for sure. True adventure biking in all sences of the word.

Exploring our surroundings
Exploring the people of this diverse world
Exploring your own abilities and limits

This is what its about.


Man, this is an excellent report. Free spirit, free mind and a free soul!!!

awesome beginning to the report, nardus! this one's heading for a cult following!
very very inspiring...not many people have the guts to leave being lost in the system and do this..amazing story, enjoying every bit of it. thanks for sharing.
Awesome adventure, excellent report. I am not blessed with enough superlatives in my vocab...

Dare I point you to Burt Munro's quote below?

PS: I own a bike like the one in the tour  :pot:  :biggrin:
been to zim and zam, you got many stored up memories of mine flooding back, africa is the best, love it

thanks for the post, excellent pics.
Afro s, leather sandals, Yamaha thumpers. Timewarp stuff. Great. Had a SR500 back then as well. Will be following this one for sure.

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