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Hardcore, Nardus, Hardcore

Baie dankie om dit te deel
This one definately belongs in the 'Roll of Honour' best rider reports.  :deal:
wow - fantastic adventure.  ive been reading your story since i arrived at work and just couldnt stop till i finished - lunchtime.

It sure has given me inspiration to carry on with my own adventure plans.
Absolutely fantastic and inspiring!!!

Nardus - just one final request mate....  as with all good stories and movies... there's ALWAYS the "Outtakes" - so please don't delay to post those you forgot about!!  :thumleft: :pot:
Just finished reading the last bit,so sorry it has ended,going to miss my morning coffee and your report,thanks for agreat story. :thumleft:
Goose said:
Absolutely fantastic and inspiring!!!

Nardus - just one final request mate....  as with all good stories and movies... there's ALWAYS the "Outtakes" - so please don't delay to post those you forgot about!!  :thumleft: :pot:

Ha ha ha ..............
INCREDIBLE adventure. Really, really well done!

I'll say it again, you okes were serious pioneers. Doing a trip like yours with zero bucks and almost no gear or clothes is unheard of these days. Thanks for taking the time to scan the slides & write the story.

Ja. With the report finished now, I will enjoy it at leisurely pace.  :biggrin:

Ongelooflik en baie dankie vir die effort om dit te post! Net om die foto's in JPEG formaat te gekry het moes 'n helse job gewees het.  8)
Nardus ,
Awsome adventure you had , very envious .
Furthest I went was Antartica for 2 1/2 months and Gough Island.(Airforce Choppers) the same that vissited Marrion Island
But I think that was far safer than what u and Johan had accomplished.

Oh and good choise of Bike !
AAAaarrrrggghhh, I finally get a internet connection that doesnt block photobucket and now it says something about maximum bandwidth exceeded!!!!!!!!

Can one of our tech savvy Dogs put this report in PDF?  ::)
OOOOooo Gits !!

Photobucket has send me a warning - I need to upgrade to the Pro version. I am sorting out the problem.
Sorry about that.

Hang so 'n week bal !!
Nardus, what an absolutely stagering experience!
Thank you for allowing me to live the experience with you - my greatest respect to you.
That was a 'proper' trip for a young man with no money.  Brilliant. Just do it like Nike says.

Nardus, so you have done your long way up and the Angola trip with MJ.  Isn't there a prize for being involved in two trips listed in the Roll of Honour?  How about a year or two free subscription to Hustler or Huisgenoot or any symbol of appreciation?  You have my vote.

Congratulations for having the guts to live!

Kind regards,


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