Michelle's first ever SA Touring/Dirt experience! (RR Completed)

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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
DAY - 1

On Tuesday morning the 18th March – I collected our friend Michelle from her mum’s home in Tableview to collect her BMW F700GS from Cape Bike Travel in town, for her 1st EVER bike trip/ride in South Africa.

As previously mentioned on the forums – Michelle’s an accomplished UK rider that commuted in London (something even the most experienced riders would avoid) – however she’s never ridden a DS-Bike before, never done long-distance touring ..... with a pillion..... and NEVER done Dirt riding before.

So whilst in the UK, I already started grooming Michelle about the joys and pleasures involved with riding on dirt. After her accident (where a cager hit her from behind at a Zebra-crossing) – I still tried to convince her to replace her road-orientated scoot with a DS-Bike...... but fortunately she did not replace her bike with the Insurance money ... yet!

So to our surprise, we received a message that she had booked her flight to SA and was asking about DS-Bike rentals and whether I could do a basic route plan for her and maybe ride together for a few days. I jumped at the chance and contacted Joerg & Ruan to arrange a deal for her. Bike was booked and paid for and we started planning a basic ride that would be easy enough for her to tackle as well as including a taster of the benefits and beauty of the Cape riding area.

THE ONLY CONCERN was that Michelle in her wisdom, invited her 21yr-old nephew to join us on the trip as her pillion.........  ???

for someone that had never ridden dirt, about to learn to ride a new bike......  phew..... we were concerned indeed and threw some hints to try to get her to change her mind! Needless to say – we had no luck!  :eek7:

Michelle was super-excited to say the least when I collected her from her home – all kitted out to collect her bike.

FIRST stop was the Tableview seafront for that “post-card” pic........... the one we hope ends up on her UK Facebook page!

............ and of course, since I belong to the UK’s BikeSafe (run by the MET Police) – I could not resist a pose with one of our London vests........

We then rode through to town where we did all the necessary paperwork for the bike.
Michelle had a case of butterflies and felt that the GS was far bigger than what she was used to, BUT that maybe it was not big enough to carry the two of them....?  :peepwall:

Eish – no way would she be able to handle a 1200GS........ so we just flummux’d THAT idea........

After all the formalities was done – it was time to get acquainted with the bike and to get her leg over....

............. and off we went with the first actual stop (for more scenery pics) on the Signal Hill drive. This was also perfect to do a few manoeuvres to see whether she could handle it – close enough to the Rental company if we needed anything.

I think the smile’s starting to say it all....

Next we headed for the Llundudno area with the aim to eventually end up in Simonstown for lunch.

Girls LOVE shopping..............  and Michelle spotted the Curio-stalls along the route... but overshot the parking area, which gave me a chance to stop and get the camera going!

FIRST DIRT then ....  looking good!

View shot... hell you have to run with the timer going off.....

Next stop was the beachfront area in Houtbay.
Thankfully the wind ensured that a lot of the sand had blown onto the road area... which provided a nice backdrop.

Chapman’s Peak is always an absolute pleasure to ride and one has to be careful to concentrate on the road, rather than the view as a few of the bends can catch you out really quickly (as Michelle found out.....)

Michelle wondering why she’s not done this before....

Aiming the mik-‘n-druk over my shoulder is nogal an art.....

Noordhoek Beach with Kommetjie in the distance......

Nerves and riding makes one build up a good appetite and it was not minutes later that Michelle needed sustenance ....... Noordhoek Farm Stall was around the corner and their food is always delicious.

Ladies and their salads......

Biker-chick eating.................  nothing lady-like here..........

............. what’s this green stuff............?

Food done & dusted – time to hit the road.

Riding down towards Scarborough............

Fortunately I own a WILDCARD ............ what a pleasure and as it’s a “Couple’s-card”  I managed to get M into the Cape Point Reserve for free!

Looking towards Smitswinkel.............  we stopped for a pic or two and was also rewarded with one of the locals posing...

We decided that a visit to the Cape of Good Hope was definitely a must..............

.................. to join the tourists!

Lovely being a tourist in your own country!

Next we changed plans and headed towards Buffels Bay.....

...... where we found more locals...........

With this perfect ............. Peek................

............. a – Boo being done by one of the youngsters

.... someone’s enjoying the ride............

Sea Fisheries Inspector on duty.................

Time was moving on, so we headed to Simonstown and decided to cut across Ou Kaapse Weg back to town so that we’d have time to discuss the upcoming trip.

Arriving home after 1st day.......... Michelle super chuffed with herself and very excited!

Perfect sunset ending a perfect day.........

Unfortunately our planned “Training Day” on the Wednesday was cancelled due to rain – none of us felt like spending the day in mud.. so the decision was made to “wing-it” on the trip that started on the Thursday........

Day 3 to follow.........

Is Michelle still going to take a pillion on her first DS (dirt) trip ? Will be very risky  :eek7:
I hope she has a good time and trip  :ricky:
Well done Goose for "hosting" another pommie and showing Michelle our beautiful backyard.

Ek wag in spanning vir die res ...
Jagsding said:
Well done Goose for "hosting" another pommie and showing Michelle our beautiful backyard.

Ek wag in spanning vir die res ...

Thanks boet - listen we're all really grateful that you and your family are ok.....  and yes - Michelle's a total convert - in fact when we handed the bike back this morning, she was like a kid on RedBull!!  :imaposer:

DAY - 3

Thursday morning arrived – and the agreed meeting point was the Engen Garage on the N2 just before Somerset West.
The group consisted of my wife & myself on the GSA, Michelle and her nephew Nate on the F700GS, Keith (KeithK) on his KTM 950 and Mark (Blaauw) on his F800GS. (Keith could not go on the trip with us, but decided to spend the day with us for the first part of the trip)

The excitement had now truly set in and to ensure all the formalities and arrangements were sorted, we agreed to meet at 9am for a later morning start.

First order of business was to get aquainted and then get some coffee down us.........  :sip:

Michelle & Nate

Mark & Keith

Jenni & yours truly

Keith standing watch........

Michelle mentioned that there was a red Triangle Warning light flashing on her bike... which we diagnosed to be the warning that the load or tyre pressure was outside the allowed parameters...... basically meaning tyre pressure was wrong!

Pressure for the loaded bike + pillion was rated to be 2,4 for the front wheel and 2,7 for the rear..... so the first thing to do was sort this out... with Mark getting the GS nearer the pump!

Now here’s the thing.............. this GS has flippen alloy rims........ and we then realised that it’s tubeless.......... (missed that somehow!).............  sorting out the rear was no issue....... but could not find the front valve..........until we went to the other side of the bike and “voila” there she was........ BMW design again!!

Wheels sorted – we were on our way to Gordon’s Bay and Rooi Els........... 

KeithK upsetting the local Parliament.........

Michelle & Nate

The rearward pics still amaze me.... point the camera over the shoulder and push the button... hoping it would work!


A stop at Rooi Els was planned to pose next to the sea.
The dramatic rock formations and seascape really inspires and this is one place I can sit for hours and admire the view.

Family conference...

Mark was kind enough to ride his bike down a nice drop onto a grassed section so that Michelle could get her poser shots!

Now here's the thing........... Mark took the bike down... but still had to get it out. There was a ridge/lip on the road side that was going to need proper negotiation......... but this was definitely not a problem!  :thumleft:


.. time to leave – breakfast (or rather brunch was waiting at Kleinmond)

My mother always told me from an early age....... not to play with my food......... but ........... this surely reminded me of someone and I could not resist....

EISH............ check the breakfast “pick-me-up” ........... Jack & Lime..........  youngsters!!

Michelle thought she’s make sure she wears an appropriate T-shirt for the trip.... just in case....!

Keith had to get back to Cape Town – yes it was a short ride, but really nice to have you with us matey.
Posing with the girls...... OF COURSE!

Just before the Arabella Resort, Keith found his “dirt” and scenic ride home......... and within seconds only a dust cloud remained...........

....................... and it was onwards to Hermanus

Where are the whales.........?

Pics with the girls....

FINALLY we were leaving most of the maddening crowds behind.

The route from Cape Town to Gordon’s Bay was packed with cars on their way for the long weekend and bikes heading to Mosselbay for the Buff. We rode alongside a few Harley riders up to the Gordon’s Bay turnoff – could not resist leaning back and lifting my legs onto the crashbar bags to simulate the easy-rider style....  and must commend them for their formation riding, hand signals and the way they manage to keep them engines running with constant blipping of the throttle!

BMW must have done something wrong in their design...... because the Bimmer’s never needed blipping at all....?

The route from Gordon’s Bay to Rooi Els was fortunately very quiet and we thoroughly enjoyed the open road.... but closer to Hermanus and the traffic picked up again.

I feel the need at this time to explain the Reflective Vests.....  in the late 80’s – I had a very bad accident on my XT550 in Kalkbay. The excuse (the common one) was that the cager did not see me before he made his U-turn in front of the Brass Bell.
The accident left me with a lot of damage to my left leg, and also instilled a mortal fear of traffic at that stage. A lot of people tried to convince me to stop riding......... this however was not an option and I decided to ensure that I take precautions and adjust my riding style to ensure I don’t get nailed again.

When we moved to the UK in 2011 – I decided to do a BikeSafe course offered by the UK’s Metropolitan Police. This was firstly to allow me to now ride it a place where the roads look like car-parks and secondly to again allow me to gain more confidence and proper training from Cops that actually care! In fact I was told in no uncertain terms that I should NOT see the MET Police as Cops, but rather as bikers that found a job that paid them to ride their bikes........ WHAT a cool attitude to have!

Safety, safety and more safety was the word constantly used. Visibility is a big issue and everything from using reflective vests to reflective tape on the bike.... to the 3-light triangle on the bike..... all made for safer and more positive riding.......... AND THIS WAS IN A COUNTRY WHERE DRIVERS ACTUALLY KNEW HOW TO DRIVE AND RESPECTED BIKERS!

So back in SA... where the accident rate is shocking, car and taxi drivers not giving a hoot about a 2 wheeler, open aggression towards bikes..... it was the most obvious thing to wear the vests..........

BUT........  once we left Hermanus for the road towards Gansbaai and our destination – Napier........ I was relieved to finally be able to get the Robocop vests off and to get the benefit of the airflow jacket!!

The road was pretty straight forward and we nailed it to get to the turn-off towards Elim and Napier...... however there was an issue with my routing and we ended up at the Die Dam road. THIS of course was the start of the dirt for Michelle – however when we stopped to try and explain things to her.... the 3 bikes were promptly set on by a huge amount of bees that were swarming......... with Nate being allergic and my wife freaking out behind me... there was no time for pics or niceties .... so we hit the newly graded road at speed..........

I was seriously concerned as Michelle had no training, on a rental bike with a R15k damage deposit, ABS still on and hard tyres with an inexperienced pillion............ but hell WHAT A TROOPER.........  she just kept on coming..... straight sections with loose gravel & powdery dust, bends with corrugations...... I think that the saying “ignorance is bliss”  came to mind here.

Soon we stocked up in Bredasdorp, and headed for Napier where we booked into “The Barn” at the Sun-Touched Inn .........

.... friendly pooch welcomed us!

Pool – soon to be used!

Mark was adamant that HE was not going to be disturbed by any flying or biting creatures.... his flynet travels with him – always!

Soon we were on our way to some friends for dinner..............

Michelle’s first braai over here...

Sunset on a  good day!

And the best way to get back to our accommodation after a good evening............ NO HEALTH & SAFETY here...  :biggrin:

Day 4 to follow.........

DAY - 4

The Barn.......... was quite an experience for the ladies.........

Early the next morning – with everyone still fast asleep, I ended up outside taking in the sunrise. For me the very best part of a day!

..soon the pooch was also letting it be known that she’s awake.... but only just ready for the day.... the stretch says it all!

Bikes being packed....

........... now where does THAT go,..?

We are fortunate that we have quite a few of our friends that have moved to Napier – to escape the city, crime and rushed pace.
Fabio & Luan owned LAURO’s PASTA in Cape Town – but sold up and decided to create a new life in the countryside. So it was no surprise when we were invited or should I say – TOLD – that they would be doing a slap-up breakfast for us in the morning!

We would be guinea pigs for their new venture where they hope to offer something for travellers.............

Once packed up......... we headed to the other side of Napier – to be greeted by this signboard ......

Don’t quite know who they were hoping to arrive.......... but I assume the mixture of Wilddog & Brit had something to do with it!

Now I do realise that Luan is a highly qualified chef and her hubby being Italian – both of them have a very high regard for food. But breakfast – please..... how “different”  can it really be?

Well so we thought – until we walked into the eating area.....

NOT BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I felt somewhat over-dressed in the ATGATT

One thing you have to realise is that FOOD is not something you hurry down. Every dish has a special meaning and takes on some sort of Art form........ and is simply too delicious to rush in any case!

One word describes the fare.............  DIK-GE-VREET!

The kuier was simply stunning and we left far later than anticipated – but hell it was worth it!

Luan & Fabio hope to make this a permanent thing and I will post details soon as to what they would offer any potential bikers that wish to stop off for a deliciously nutritious meal.

Time to leave.....

The route to our evening stop over at Ravenna Mountain Resort outside Barrydale, would have taken us from Napier via Bredasdorp..... De Hoop Nature Reserve and the Malgas Pont – however we were told that the Pont was closed after some flooding and we could not get the right info from Overberg Info.

The decision was therefore taken to ride tar from Bredasdorp via Swellendam, Tradouw’s Pass to the destination and then go and do a dirt outride once settled at the resort.

FIRST the girls needed to stop in Bredasdorp for some “goodies”.......  amazing how long a few “goodies” can take once they have dismounted and entered a shop!

........ and then we were on the way.....

Not many pics taken on the section – until we reached Buffeljags where a cold one was needed...

Now here’s the thing............. as a Capie – I’ve never been over the Tradouw Pass.......... sad I know – but such is life.
So this was going to take a while as we stopped frequently to get those pics............. and man it was hot!

The four stooges...

........ we were so tempted by these pools, but made a mental note that we would come back!

........... it was hot!

The turn-off to Ravenna.......

.......... decent road!

You have arrived at your destination!!

Our room for the night! (with elephants!)

............ our pool..........

.............. our views ..............

Here’s where I have to add a bit of a punt for the little CANON camera I bought a few weeks ago.... with it’s 50X Optical zoom............

Check out this pic............ you can just make out there’s a log on the dam!

.............. THEN I used the zoom to capture this amazing shot!

NOW I do realise that the purists would absolutely pooh-pooh this pic as grainy, full of noise – but hell it does it for me as a portable camera for use on the bike....!!

Soon the sun started setting – more amazing views.........  and it was time to get the fire going so that we could get the braai-packs sorted!

Posers.......... “hoeveel??”  :pot:

Early evening planned – early rise and departure for the Oasis!

Day 5 to follow.........
DAY - 5

So we were aware of the fact that “The fun”  has to start sometime..........

Michelle still had no real idea what Dirt riding was about... although she was loving the little GS and the riding style. She commented on the fact that her riding position was comfortable and that she’s not been experiencing any discomfort or back pain........... with the only issue being pins & needles in her hand from gripping the throttle!

Breakfast was planned at “Die Oude Kombuis” in Montagu ............  so early rise – settle the account and get on the road asap was the plan.

The planned route was from Montagu towards Touwsrivier then past Aquila towards the Cederberg.

My early rise allowed me to take a walk around Ravenna and get some sunrise shots ....

Some left-over meat went down a treat...

Michelle – raring to go!

This girl took to dirt like a duck to water... nothing seemed to upset or daunt her!

........... loaded!

The road was uneventful and we arrived in Montagu just in time as the Oude Kombuis opened.

..........................  their parking area is covered with old peach-pips...... and unless you are aware of it and how loose it can be... you may well find yourself in a similar situation...

Shame – I felt for her......... but it was really a sidestand incident and thankfully the excellent protection on the bike prevented any damage or marks!

Breakfast sorted..........  time to get on the road again....

We left via the back route from Montagu – heading for the KOO Valley.

...... and soon the open road was there again, allowing us to make up some time!

Unfortunately most of the trip was kept under 120km/hr due to the fact that Michelle was stuggling with the wind buffeting her helmet and her neck was starting to get cramp.
The F700GS was made for Europe’s roads... not long distance touring with a virtually non-existent screen!

This was to be our last stop on tar.........

Nearly on the dirt.................

First item on the agenda.......... to show Michelle how the ABS works and what it feels like with & without. Control with back wheel locked once ABS was off, was something she understood from the days of riding a bicycle...

Then it was her turn............

A few tried and she had it waxed!

........ time to visit the Tankwa Padstal! ................ initially not part of the route planning due to the fact that we’d not managed to get Michelle up to speed on the bike.......... however........ throw someone in the deep end – and they are bound to float!

Lets go!

The 40km or so to the Katbakkies turnoff is one of the straightest anyone could hope to ride.......... and quite frankly – as boring as any long tar road.
It is however one of the roads that could bite you in the bum so fast – if you don’t concentrate.

Michelle did this road like a PRO............ whenever we hit a pebbly or sandy patch that I became concerned for her.... the headlight appeared through the dust and she just kept coming. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!

The VERY welcome sight at the Tankwa Padstal!

Those of you that know this place – no explanation needed.......... the images speak for themselves!

Those that haven’t had the opportunity or privilege to go there.... do yourself a favour – make the effort ............. it’s well worth it.

The “Alien” skeleton’s found just a short distance from the Padstal – proudly sits outside keeping watch as a warning........ with the famous tale of their discovery, a sure way to keep visitor’s attention !

Nate – enjoying the “Barbie” 

Bikes waiting for their riders......

While at the Padstal, we noticed a Landrover that looked a bit worse for wear. We were told the story of miraculous survival of a couple and their 3 kids.............. after the Landy’s rear tyre was shredded, it eventually had a blow-out on the left front wheel too........ dug in and rolled!

All the occupants escaped without as much as a scratch!

We were astounded – yet grateful that the family survived........  BUT................

Landy far left..............

.................. CAN YOU IMAGINE .......... our utter surprise and astonishment when we eventually got to the OASIS – only to find that the LANDY belonged to our mate Justin (Powerflow Justin/Jagsding) .............. and only then did the “rillings”  run down my spine as to how blessed they were and indeed all the Wilddogs that one of our forum members was still with us! 

UNBELIEVABLE mate and truly grateful that you are all ok!!

We eventually left the Padstal – with thought at this stage of the family (not yet knowing it was Justin)...... and resolved to not push the limits.


Nate my friend – our thoughts were with you all the time... in the old Enduro LAFE Helmet, fingerless gloves and the incredibly hot leather jacket you were wearing........... a trooper indeed boet! (not to mention trusting Michelle!)  :thumleft: :thumleft:

Katbakkies was stunning and I’m really glad we managed to come this route to allow the others to enjoy it.

A farewell pic of the two 4x4’s........ and we were on our way!

The stunning rock formations are worth the effort to get to............ I think we ended up spending more than 30mins there while every possible picture was taken to cover all the angles........... well so we thought – every bit of light changes the look and scene......... just gorgeous!

Down the other side...............

......... and then we were on the last stretch to the Cederberg Oasis!

She’s made it!

Bike parked...............  tent sorted...................  drinks organised – and more importantly ................................

THOSE RIBS!!!!!!!!!!....................  THIS IS THE LIFE!

Chantal & Gerrit ........ thanks again for your hospitality - we realise that's quite a harsh place, but aptly named in one of the most beautiful and stunning settings!

Our next day would take us back towards OP DIE BERG and then over to Citrusdal where the Baths were waiting......  ::)

Day 6 to follow.........
Super RR Pete , the missus and I would like to thank you and Jen for a super social evening hope to do it again soon?
It was fun riding with you guys even if it was only for one day  :thumleft: felt a bit miff when I left for home. ;D
DAY - 6

After a good sleep, I woke at around 5am ......... listening to the birds, I tried to sneak out of the tent – but wifey heard me and also got out of bed....... we then decided on a very early morning shower (hopefully not waking anyone else...) and then went and had a nice cup of Rooibos tea.

My favourite time of the day – when you can look and absorb nature and be grateful to have another day of life.
The Oasis was quiet............ so Jen decided to go and have another snooze while I went and took some pics.

LOVE the plant-life............

We also had visitors outside the tent during the night......... (or are those chocolate-covered-raisins)

Stunning layout of the camp!

The inviting road .... out of the valley......

Beauty is all around – if you’re willing to just open your eyes and look!

Sun rising fast – changes the colour of the mountains and scenery.........

Soon everyone was up and getting ready for breakfast. Mark & I had half of our Ribs left from the previous evening – so it was obvious we were not going to waste it and indulged in hectic ribs for brekkie.

We settled the bill........... packed up and managed to pose for pic at the famous Oasis sign!

Gerrit - THANKS FOR THE FUEL!!!!!!!   :thumleft:

............... then it was time to hit the road

Just had to get this pic as well.............

All too soon we left the Cederberg............. dirt made way for tarmac........... but the road was good, few cars and the scenic ride towards Citrusdal was really great.

THEN – just as we started missing the dirt..............  

We had a 20km section of the Middelberg Pass that was pure DS heaven......... great views, twisties, corrugations, loose sand and pebbles.... all thrown in for our enjoyment.

The trip so far had been pretty stressful for me... having to concentrate on my riding, the comfort of my wife as pillion and also looking out for Michelle with her pillion and making sure that they were still ok.

This was their last dirt section before reaching Cape Town..... and we were going to make the most of it!

Blaauw & Goose

Once all the pics and pat-on-the-back stuff was done.............. we were on our way down..........

And so the dirt finally ended and we rolled into Citrusdal – headed for The Baths for our last night.

So far the weather had been absolutely stunning – we were truly blessed and could not have wished for better..... but there was a negative as well......... Michelle was coming to the end of her trip, and that started to show as she actually became more subdued.

The Baths – and our accommodation

Rock pools behind the Dwarsgebou...........

Dinner.......... at a proper restaurant .......

Michelle, Mark & Jenni

Jenni, myself, Nate & Michelle

The rest of our time was spent in the hot – 44deg pools and merely lazing around. Amazing how the heat gets into your bones and soon – it feels like you’re dragging a ton of weight on your feet. We just knew........ when you hit the sack – it’s going to be seconds before its dreamworld!

And so ended our last evening.

Early the next morning – Monday – it was up, packed and ready for the now totally cloudy (with rain expected) ride back home. To say that we were a bit subdued and quiet was perhaps an understatement....

Instead of the N7 – we decided to ride over Piekenier’s Kloof Pass and then turn off towards Porterville, Wellington and then get to TableView via the back of Durbanville and Conterman’s Kloof. The decision was also made to end the ride with pizza at Blue Peter.... just because!!

The weather held......... it was overcast and although we found that the roads were wet – we’d somehow managed to escape the downpours.

Road back was uneventful and boring and as soon as we started hitting traffic........ I realised we should actually just turn around and go back... but commitments force one to make irrational and illogical decisions...

A stop just before Blue Peter was needed......... just to look and reflect.

Girls were chuffed to have done the trip....

A HUGE THANKS to Mark for coming with and backing us up ........... and to Nate – for keeping Michelle in line  ::)

Happy bunny!

The View!!!!!!!!!!

After the pizza’s – the heavens opened and we ended up the last 20km home in pouring rain.......... it seemed it waited just for us!

And that’s it..................  trip finished (well almost) ..............

The next morning at 10am, I went through to Cape Bike Travel to meet up with Michelle as she returned her GS...........

Now a “seasoned” and hopefully converted DS Rider ............... she’s going to be back.
Her nephew Nate – has indicated that he’s now seriously contemplating buying a DS Bike and getting in on the action.............  two converts on one trip – now THAT’s lekker!

Michelle enjoyed it.... and hopefully will be convincing her mates in the UK to come out en-force. So all the best for the future Mich.............. safe flight back to the UK on the 4th and take care.... safe riding over there and we all look forward to seeing you back here again soon!

Thanks to all that made this possible – special mention also to KeithK for joining us.

........... NOW FOR THE NEXT TRIP...........

What a RR ,big thanks for sharing and Awsome pictures. :thumleft:
Well done Michelle  :thumleft:
Nice RR and pics Goose  :ricky: