It was really nice to see some old friends and to meet some new ones while doing some awesome rides at the same time. Many thanks to Blazes for leading us on enjoyable roads. The tunnel was a new experience for us.
Me and Wendy only got home late yesterday afternoon. Been riding since 23 Sep. 6 days in a KLR saddle is a sure way to ensure that one is fully aware that you got a bum side in you physique.
We are already looking forward to next years Meeting on Middle Grounds Ride and I will make sure that more mortals from the KZN side will join in on the fun stuff.
Thanks to everyone for a superb weekend of fun riding! Blazers I enjoyed Saturday's ride soooo much and I learnt a thing or two about riding on "tennis balls" and parking my bike in a donga......... now I know what NOT to do the next time I pass one. I think some skills training are waaaayyyy overdue. Mind you it can be fun learning by trial and error............sometimes : :mwink: Stuart thanks for