Modifying the rear mudguard on the Dakar

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Grey Hound
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Brackenfell, Cape Town
Harley Davidson (all models)
hey all

so this morning i'm riding to work and i notice a rattling sound - i look down to discover that the 3 bolts holding on the right hand side of the chain guard / mud guard / brake cover assembly are missing (presumably shook loose over time) and the chain guard is bouncing around. I immediately stop, whip out the toolkit, remove the whole thing, go home, dump it in the garage and head to work.

now, I've been wanting to replace that whole assembly with the TT alu chain guard and brake cover, but, being short on cash, i figured for now i'd simply modify the existing one to remove the shitty mud guard "bra cup" instead... and, since it's currently off the bike, what better time than now  ;D

my questions are: has anyone here done this? how do i cut it? where's the best place to cut it? how do i finish it off? sandpaper? any help, tips and photos would be greatly appreciated!

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