Moordkuyl in Fast Forward!

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Bachelor Dog
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Honda TransAlp XL700V
Yes, I am a lucky bugger! Why? Guess what I had to play with today?


A brand new CR250!!! Of course my mate Geikie â?? and his CR250 â?? was going to come and play with ;D


We even had the Race Nation bus to cart them around ;D


I have been telling Geikie about Moordkuyl for a while now and heâ??s been dying to try it out. When presented with an opportunity like this we just could not let it pass.

The new CR is a beautiful bike!


(MalJohann eat your heart out ;D)

Did you know you could still buy these brand new out of the box in SA? Yes you can ;) Itâ??s not a grey bike either. More on that later ;D

We unloaded and set off. Those whoâ??ve been there will recognize these pics ;D


Unfortunately the water was way less than the last time we were here. Also, some of the really technical bits have been fixed by now, but we still had a whale of a time ;D


Of course, even with the lower water level thee are still some deep bits ;D


Sorry for the smiley's after each sentence. Iâ??m still trying to get the smile off my face ;D And Iâ??m typing as fast as I can before Iâ??m too stiff & sore to type any further ;) Sheez, riding bikes (monsters) like these sure is a hell of a workout!

Enough talking. Here are the play pics ;D



One of my favorite shots:





Yep â?? we LOVE water crossings!

Those weren't all we did though. Moordkuyl has water, rocks, sand and uphills.


Notice the elephant dung on the left. We made very sure that we didnâ??t happen on the Cow and Calf. No bikes will be trampled todayâ?¦





To say that this bike is in a different league from my bike is like trying out for understatement of the year reward. Riding these bikes are hard work for an unfit bugger like me though. I was knackered by now!

We headed back to the river for a rest and some refreshments.



Geikie shot back to the van to fetch the cool box. The delivery was fast! Scooterâ??s pizza eat your heart out ;D


LGF â?? as you can see the uphills have been worked down in places. Much easier to negotiate now ;) Even I rode them with a smile!



A well deserved break in a wonderful setting! ;D


What a day. What a day!!!


Can I have one with an electric starter please ;)

Moordkuyl is being fixed and this was probably the last time we rode it for a while. Weâ??ll just have to wait for the next flood I guess. ;)

Back to the CR250. Geikie will probably post his impressions later, but he thought that this CR250 had some big improvements since the 2004 CR250 heâ??s got (if that is at all possible).




CR250â??s have not been for sale in SA for a while now, but here we uncovered a treasure trove ;D There are 5 new CR250â??s available. They are brand new, NOT grey imports and still in their crates. ;D

PM me for details ;)
Trailrider said:
MalJohann eat your heart out ;D

It's all good. I know how much fun they are and the impact they have on an unfit oke. You had arm-pumps after only 5 minutes right? Skud daai hande boetie!

With these things you have to hold on for dear life when gunning it and still keep your wits about you as things go FFWD very quickly.

What did you think of the broad power-band? Leagues difference between this and the old 2T engines hey? Carbon fibre reed valves FTW!
Ek ry na al vir amper vir 3 jaar n CR 250 die 2004 model . Baie gelukig met die 250  ;D ;D
Ek het die 2007 gery op die trip ook was heel tevrede met hom n paar verskille wat ek op gemerk het .

# Daar is n verskil op die uitlaatpyp, die vorm en die  manier wat hy vas maak is ook verskillend van die 04 model

# Die 07 het meer krag  :eek: ( in my persoonlike mening het dit tedoen met die uitlaatpyp en sekerlik n paar verskille soos in die silinder dalk met kompressie ens )

#Die "Throttle response " is baie beter op die  07 model

Die goed wat in my mening onveranderd is

# Die remme, " Plastics" suspensie kom nogsteeds uit met "Renthal bars" standaard

Ek was baie baie gelukig met die 07  ;D ;D

Ek dink dit is n briljante fiets !! hanteer goed krag is ongelooflik wil die heel tyd op die agter wiel wees  :eek:

Daar is n rede hoekom dit een van die beste "motocross" motorfietse is wat nog ooit gebou is in dien nie die beste in sy klas ( my mening )

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