Mountain Passes for happiness

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Up and up we go, at the top I guess one has to take this picture as proof “I was there !”
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Just as the decent begins I see this lookout, it time for elenvensies and I get out the old staatmaker Sardines that travels with me often
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The engine braking is lekker and the descent is pretty steep but I just leave the bike in 2nd clutch out and very little braking needed
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Hel dis mooi daar! Ek sal moet plan maak.
Hel dis mooi daar! Ek sal moet plan maak.
Dis bitter mooi, somer maande is hy nog mooier met als wat groen is so vêr soos die oog sien.

Ek hoop van harte hy het by die uitkykpunt gestop.


Heading through a couple of villages the road runs next to the Lesotho border, on the other side a Qauntum lies in the valley below. There are no barriers and the drop off is quite steap

On this side of the pass the countryside seems drier and the temperatures a couple of degrees hotter. Lots of Aloe’s in the mountain side. Eastern Cape for sure. The view back from where I came

Never underestimate the time needed to ride passes, it is now almost 12 and I have only done 160km for the day. The section from here to Lady Grey is tar so can ride a bit faster. I pass through Tweedespruit, eish not a nice place to be. It’s a sea of people and the only robot in town is broken. Luckily I filter the traffic and get back into open road heading for Lady Grey.

By small town standards Lady Grey still looks good and has a pleasant vibe to it. I still have Jouberts to do and decide to add about 2L of fuel just in case. Getting a cooldrink I head to a quite spot and under a Eucalyptus tree next to the church I take a break


Notice the original Jouberts Pass memorial stone on the museum’s stoep still in Dutch, later on top of the pass I saw a more modern one erected in the early 2000’s

Small town life