Namibia Again!!!

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Early morning in Sesfontein.

Not the best of campsites and I thought it was expencive at R75.00.

Gardens between the rooms at the fort. Rooms cost an arm and a leg and you might
have to do the dishes with one arm aswell!

Going through the Hoanibriver here. Elephanttracks all over the place.

This is Damaraland.

The Pink Rock.

The homestead of Markus Dawids. Farms with about a 100 goats. Sat here and talked
for an hour and a half. He told me how he moved with his parents from Riemvasmaak
in 1974 to this land as a 12 year old boy. His house is 23 kms from Bergsig were his kids
go to school. He takes them to school Mondaymornings and pics them up on Fridays
by donkeycart.

I could even get Mayonnaise in this little shop if I wanted it!!

Went and saw the Petrified Forest. Hard as rock. Millions of years old.

Stunning entrance I thought. Next to the Ugabriver.

Cheapest place I camped. R45.00.


This is the neatest rockgarden Ive ever seen in my life. You need a lot of rocks and

The Brandberge. The highest in Namibia.

It even has a pool! The water was very cold.

And then the surprize of the day. While I was preparing supper 13 elephant walked
past the campsite!! Yes and all the European tourists follow them on foot!!
Sorry about the quality of the pics.



Early morning the Brandberge. This was a Fridaymorning and not knowing it then
I rode from here nonstop home.

Stopped at Uis for fuel and then took the D1930 to Spitzkoppe.






Paid a lot of money to ride through the park. Took the D1918 to Hentiesbaai.
Upon arriving in Henties I realized my camera had enough of all the shaking
in my backpack. Had a hamburger and off to Swakop. Howling southerly wind
nearly blew me and the whole town into the desert. Nobody could do anything
to the camera. I decided to ride to the Kuiseb Canyon and camp. Filled up in Walvis
and got blown down the road. Got to the Canyon and some 4x4s parked. Did not feel
like people and kept going. Took the Gamsbergpass turnoff to Windhoek. Sun went down
just before the pass. Took C26 and C24 to Rehoboth. Got there at 10.45pm. Filled up and
decided Im going home!!
Sun came up just after Grunau and this was the coldest part of the night. Luckily I
didnt have to be on the lookout for Kudus anymore. Saw 5 during the night.
Crossed the border at Vioolsdrift at 8.30 and stopped at home at 5.30 that afternoon.
I have never riden soooo far for sooo long before and it was a crazy thing to do!!
I was a zombie for a week!!

Namibia calls me back every year and I answer.
Go there. You will not be the same again.
Thanks for reading.
awesome photos and story-great stuff  :thumleft:

i see the tyre takes some serious strain from begin to end, what was your total mileage?
chrisL said:
Henties -- Swakop -- Kuiseb Canyon -- Gamsbergpass turnoff to Windhoek -- Rehoboth.--Grunau -- Vioolsdrift -- home

Iron Butt,  respect  :thumleft:
Tyre was a Brigestone Tw 42. Total kms 6500. We normally got 7-7500 kms on them. On our Vic Falls trip our tyres were about finished after 6200km. Rode a lot of tar though.
Thanks ChrisL, great report and photos. There can never be enough Namibia reports on the forum. Namibia is a real counrty but you must have a camera otherwise people will not believe you.
I did 1300km from Swakop to Springbok and thought it was a lot! I lift my cap to you! Now i must figure out how t do RR and i will post our trip. Any tips?

Baie dankie Chris

Hierdie RR was fantasties en die fotos is ongelooflik goed! Dit is kos vir die siel, baie dankie!
Wat n lieflike wêreld!
Dankie vir die report. Jou foto's is baie nice. Dit maak my lus vir bike ry. Wanne gaan jy weer? Ek wil ook baie graag nog Namibia doen.

Cheers RovRat  :thumleft:
Great RR Chris!

Ek mis ook vir Namibia.
Werklik inspirerend Chris en jou fotos is pragtig  :thumleft:

Ek dink baie terug aan Namibie en gaan weer Desember met die familie. Wat ek die meeste geniet is die stilte en soos die Duitsers se die "lewens ruimte" 
Dankie ou maat. SWA jou pragplek
Nice een Chris, mooi plek die S.W.A.

Hoop ek kan die jaar nog daar 'n draai maak...... 8)
Blerry nice Chris!  :thumleft:

I seem to experience some problem viewing some of the photobucket pics?

You Dakar looks the business! 8)