Namibia is hot!

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great report so far.... was it hot there?
Ai, hoe jaloers is ek.  Dankie vir die RR en mooi fotos.

Ons vriende het 'n plaas in daai omgewing en ons het darem al self daar rondgery. 

My vriendin het die anderdag 44.5 grade op die plaas gemeet. 
Lekker een! :thumleft:

Were those bush pigs not warthogs maybe... seems like they are everywhere these days.
RobC said:
Lekker een! :thumleft:

Were those bush pigs not warthogs maybe... seems like they are everywhere these days.

Ja, you're right. In Afrikaans it is not bosvarke but vlakvarke.
Lekker report dankie LMG .  :thumleft:

Maar jy het een baie belagrike ding uitgelos. Ek brand om te sien hoe die twins nou lyk . Laas het hulle so gelyk .  :3some:

Ps seker die eerste keer in sy lewe dat Rickus klein voel teen iemand . :imaposer:


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Is hulle seuns of dogters?

Al wat ek weet is dat hulle baie GROOT boots het om vol te staan :eek: :thumleft:

Baie nice RR en fodies. :biggrin:
I left Gochas on Sunday morning.  However, not before my brother in law phoned me from Windhoek asking to photograph all the electricity boxes and lines in Gochas.  He is working on a project to upgrade the electricity supply and had to confirm a number of issues (of which I know absolutely nothing about!).  


In Gochas, though, it is quiet and still on a Sunday morning.


I left Gochas to continue with the road in the Auab Valley towards Stampriet.  The photo opportunities in this part of the world are endless.  And I need to admit – I have a soft spot for a beautiful Camel Thorn tree (Acacia erioloba) and if you add an ADV to the scene you have, what I believe should be called, a picture perfect scene.


The scenery just keeps getting better and better.


Only the farmers will understand why you’ll always find the boerbokke in the road!


Somewhere on the road to Stampriet you turn away from the Auab river and you once again see the red dunes of the Kalahari.



Stampriet is a beautiful little town.  It houses a relatively large Afrikaans Private School that most of the Afrikaans speaking kids in the southern part of Namibia attend.  It is a real little oasis in the middle of the “desert” with a large supply of artesian water that allows for the production of veggies etc. The kids keep themselves busy in a constructive sort of way on a Sunday morning in Stampriet.


From Stampriet it was all the way to Rehoboth and from there about 80kms on tar towards Windhoek.



I eventually arrived at my sister’s home in Windhoek at around four.  Monday saw me reporting for duty at UNNAM for two weeks of teaching – knowing that there is a weekend to enjoy in Namibia between the two weeks!


To be continued . . .
Pietcoke said:
Is hulle seuns of dogters?

Al wat ek weet is dat hulle baie GROOT boots het om vol te staan :eek: :thumleft:

Baie nice RR en fodies. :biggrin:

Twee dogters - en ja, hulle sal hul ma se skoene moet volstaan! ;D
Rynet said:
Ek brand om te sien hoe die twins nou lyk . Laas het hulle so gelyk . 

Rynet - hulle het baie groot geword in die twee weke wat ek weg was.  Ongelooflik! Sal eers 'n updated foto moet neem!

En ek vlieg Saterdag weer Nederland toe vir klasse! 
LMG said:
Rynet said:
Ek brand om te sien hoe die twins nou lyk . Laas het hulle so gelyk . 

Rynet - hulle het baie groot geword in die twee weke wat ek weg was.  Ongelooflik! Sal eers 'n updated foto moet neem!

En ek vlieg Saterdag weer Nederland toe vir klasse! 

:thumleft: ag oulik  , ek sien uit na die fotos van die babies  :3some:

En geniet Nederland , daar is selfs party vroue langer is as jy .  :biggrin:

Dankie vir die RR so lank .  :thumleft:
I also love those Camelthorn Trees. The old German " Hart wie Kameldornholtz ist unser Land" Anthem is a tribute to those magnificent Trees. And about those days that nothing much happens in Gochas we are talking about 24/7/365. It is like Maltahohe where I come from. :lol8:
As jy n naweek oop het oorweeg Swakopmund. My skoonseun is ook n hond...ek bedoel Wild dog en hy woon daar
Lekker, lekker, LMG!  Wat sal 'n man dan nou vir pynvolle ure in 'n aluminium blik wil sit as jy die wye wereld kan invaar?!
Nice report LMG

Ek vind jou natuurlike hoër foto hoek interessant.  ;) Mens voel so belangrik as jy kan af kyk op alles.