Need some help form the bofins

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Bachelor Dog
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Was lucky and got me a second hand Etrex vista Cx for a good price, with a 1gig card and Ram mount for the bike, it came with version 1.5 topo maps.

It's got all the stuff I need on a GPS, routing, track-up, colour, it's quite simple to work and I can even read the screen while riding or do some basic functions.

The one thing I might have misjudged is the capacity to show the detail that is on the new version 1.5 maps. It downloaded all the maps on Map source on the card, around 800mg.

The detail that's on the map in Map source doesnt show on the GPS, we traveled to Cathart and it doesnt show the streets in Cathart on the GPS, but on Map source it shows the street names, why would some cities street details show and not others? I can also not get the Topo maps to show on the GPS.

Is it perhaps that the GPS doesnt allow this, and it's only available on Zumo's and 76c or is there some button I don't press somewhere?

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