New breakthrough research in Farkelology - Attn Edgy and others!

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Grumpy Mutt
May 22, 2007
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Grahamstown EC
Institute of Farkelology

Some fascinating research is going on at the Institute of Farkelology at Roades University. Professor Heinrich BiGDom Gelande-Strasse announced today exciting results of a new study designed to enhance the understanding of Farkle's Law.

Farkle's Law: Fx= (t x di) + (TT x WL) x 0.675
in which the propensity to add farkles (Fx) is proportionate to the sum of the free time "t" and one's disposable income "di" plus the number of viewed pages in the TouraTech "TT" and the Wunderlich "WL" catalogues times a constant of 0.675 (which was derived from primate research).

In one study, research indicates that prolonged exposure to the GSpot had an unexpected effect on the study subjects. The subjects were all new owners of the stock R1150, F800GS and 1200GS. The subjects initially scored high on satisfaction with the stock GS's performance. However, with increasing levels of GSpot exposure, they developed the unexplainable desire to enhance the performance of the motorcycle, especially when the motorcycle sat unused, at home in the garage. The Professor termed this the "Stuck-Home Syndrome".

Further data analysis showed that the subjects specifically showed the propensity to make their bikes bigger, stronger and last longer â?¦ even for 36 hours in the saddle! This data was the foundation for the newly termed "Viagra Phenomenon" and helped explain why the subjects spent most of their time focusing on aftermarket mods.

In an exclusive interview, Professor Gelande-Strasse explained "Vat ve hef hear iz extraahordinary insiite into ze eelusif mind of ze bee-em-daabelyou gee-ess ownah. A mind preeviously uun-tapped".

While much data still remains to be interpreted, these initial discoveries represent true breakthroughs in the field of Farkelology and show the need for continued field research in this newly emerging field of science.

The professor is presently looking for more research grants and possible research fellows with similar niched research interests. Owners of KTMâ??s, KLRâ??s, XTâ??s etc are welcome to partake in this extended research. They must be able to engage with extensive field trips away from their parent institution or place of work, often to neighbouring countries and territories. They must be prepared to be away from their family and loved ones for extended periods of time.

Research ongoing...