New old newbie....

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Hello doggers! I decided to join again, because of valuable information on the forum and a lot of nice people.  To be honest, i sold my DS bike, the second real DS i've owned.  :peepwall: I'm back on a quad again, but still doing DS-riding (Yes, i know it's politically illegal), and i enjoy every moment of it. It's my 10th quad in 12yrs, and my 3rd Honda TRX400EX - it's cheap, fast enough and stone-reliable and tough. Believe me, i've tried most of them. I'm planning on buying a DS bike again, but i'm waiting a bit to see what's in the pipeline for next year. I never...ever...ever want to buy a secondhand DS again, like the certain twin-cylinder i've just sold at a major financial and probably mental-loss! The sad thing is i bought it from a Senior Wild Dog member who assured me it was mechanically 100%. After a 1000 or so km's i found it wasn't. Then an even more bad thing happened, when he tried to use this forum to prove his innosense and my stupidity, of course under the banner of trying to help me. Some friends of this person on the forum even supported him - i guess you don't always know your "friends" hey. In any case, after getting the shock of a R21000 repair quote on a old bike, i sold it - BUT - at least i was honest- thus selling it at a hellavu loss with all my cards on the table to another guy who definelately bought a bargain, but at least my consience is clean! Sorry for that negativity, but it's off my chest now and i see this as a new beginning in biking for me, with valuable lessons learned. Hope this little story can help somebody else one day in being more carefull when buying secondhand. O yes, and never buy a bike from somebody who gave the bike a nick-name! The X-challenge in my heading was my first DS, i bought it new and should have never sold it! It was brilliant, not without flaws but a real plessure to ride.
Happy riding!


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