New to the forum and to biking!

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Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Kawasaki KLR 650
Hi everyone!

I finished my degree at the end of last year and started working. Since I now have my own income, I decided that it's FINALLY time to buy myself a bike!

Ever since I watched (and read) Long Way Round, I've been dreaming about buying a bike and going touring. Reading the book, I felt the need to experience the world around me without a car getting in the way.

I am a total noob to motorbikes, I know how to ride one, but have almost no experience and have never been on public roads on a bike before. This is a seriously exciting experience for me and I am very happy that I was pointed to this forum by a friend!

I haven't bought a bike yet, but I am looking around for the right one. If you guys have any advice, please fire away, but I am looking at either a KLR 650 or a KLE 500. They are a bit powerful to learn on, but I think it would be pointless to buy something now and outgrow it before the year is out! I rode my friend's Aprillia Pegasso 650 last year and felt comfortable, so I think this can work.

I live in Pretoria at the moment and I am working in Centurion

Ek is eintlik Afrikaans, maar ek het in Engels geswot, so enige een werk vir my!

Sien uit daarna om julle te leer ken hierso, lyk na lekker mense!

As julle enige advies het vir my as 'n newbie met bikes, vanaf kit tot tegniek, welkom ek dit.