Operation : PAYFINE

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Grey Hound
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Riebeek west
Triumph 900 Scrambler
I generally dont like traffic cops. So when they pulled me over for rolling over a stop street in Aston, all I could do was laugh. After all, I was in the wrong.

I though about it as just another R500 to the sin bin, but things got a little bit more annoying, when I found out that the only place I could pay it, was in the Langeberg (Aston)

I left home at around 9 am, rode through to Louis, who bike did not want to start after it fouled the plug. A quick change saw it fire up and we headed off to Ceres Wimpy where Johan was waiting for us. It seems XRL's only get faster...


We headed out via Nduli and over Onderswaarmoed pass. A lekker quiet piece of gravel.


We headed off to Touwriver and took a right on the N1. 4km down the road we turned on the railway road which had seen better days. The riding was pretty lekker though.


We eventually head towards Ouberg pass.

Luckily made it to Aston and paid my dues.



Then we headed out to Mcgreggor and Bonnievale where everything went Pear shaped. Luckily we had been riding relatively slow, 100kph or so when a cat ran in front of me. I had avoided it and he got frazzled and ran back over the road infront of Johan. I watched this in my mirror and I could only see him fish tailing with a huge cloud of dust. Louis had been riding too close and collided with him, sending them both down.

Johan had gotten up, but Louis stayed down.


1 h 30 minutes later, the ambulances (3) arrived.

Sad to end a great day of riding like this.

Bad one. How is Louis doing now?
They cant tell me much. He should be out in a day or two. (hopefully)
Shit! Its one of my greatest worries, to take out another biker.

I also had a fine I had to go pay at a certain place (not allowed to be paid in anywhere else. Stupid) I phoned them and told them I'm not from around that area and I am willing to pay the fine, but not willing to drive our R800 worth of petrol for a R300 fine. They scrapped it.
I should have called them. Ride was good though.
Not a nice ending there. hope his ok.
You should have just run over the cat. You don't even feel it, ask me I know

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the_BOBNOB said:
You should have just run over the cat. You don't even feel it, ask me I know

I agree. Probably one of the most dangerous things drivers (and riders) can do is to suddenly break and swerve for small animals.

Hope your friend is back on his feet soon!!

Louis had 2 pins put into his ankle and he has a compressed vertebrae. He will be in the hospital til next week and then on his back for 6 weeks.

Poor guy!
Thanks Steve and Johan, sorry for spoiling an otherwise good ride. My ankle was fixed with 3 small screws, for my back I just have to be patient, doc reckons 6 weeks of bed rest.
Lesson learned: keep big following distance when sharing dusty road with other bikes.
just hate reading about fellow riders taking a fall    trust they will heal soon