Our Third Honeymoon. With many pics!

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noble steed

Race Dog
Mar 17, 2007
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Three years ago Tulip and I got married, with no thoughts or dreams of ever owning a bike. Or two. Now things have changed. And we had the chance to go on a third honeymoon and take Donkey and Dragon with us this time!

Day 1: (or 824 reasons to own good rain gear)

824km of rain! The night before we left it was raining. When we wonke up it was still raining. No worries, I told Tulip. The rain wonâ??t extend past Sasolburg, must be a highveld thing. And proudly sporting our new budget rainsuits from makro (not much else open to buy raingear on a Sunday), we where confident to set off. 2 hours late. So we hit nice Monday morning traffic on the N1S.

At this point I must add how proud I was of Tulip. Since we borrowed a bike for her to do her license in August last year (Donkey was been rebuilt at the time), she has not really done any riding. And now, first time with a loaded bike, she lane split on the N1 quite happily with fully expanded panniers! In the rain.

And now to add something elseâ?¦ Our rain pants split at the seams when we mounted the bikes. So we dumped them in the bin before even leaving home. And City trousers are NOT waterproof. Wet bum.
And to note a fault on the BMW website:
BMW Allround Gloves
- Waterproof due to an alternative membrane (similar to Biker gloves)

After about 300km they were unfortunately no longer waterproof. Wet cold fingers for the rest of the trip.

Weâ??re really disappointed with new wimpy coffee policy â?? insulated cups!! How you supposed to warm your hands up???

Back to the trip!

We had some nice gravel detours planned for the trip to EC. We didnâ??t take them. It rained until Aliwal North. And then it was dark for the last 60km of our trip. So sorry, photos where in short supply.

We did stop at a great diner in heilbron, make excellent food! Will go there again some day on an extended breakfast run Iâ??m sure.

My brie and cranberry chicken burger

The rest of the trip we focused on the next garage we could get to so we could warm our hands under the dryers. Rain varied from heavy to light drizzle. Very slow driving with all the stops.

Fortunately we could defrost in a lovely luke warm bath when we arrived at my aunts farm near Jamestown about 8:30.

Day 2: (or how much riding gear can you fit in a tumble dryer)

Answer is a lot. Though the leather gloves need quite a long spin!

While in a plaasdorp we went and brought proper raingear from the OVK. Also cheap, but actually kept us dry the rest of the trip! My makro jacket had disintergrated by the end of day one.

We had a slow morning with a late breakfast, eventually left Jamestown after 2pm. Sunny skies!!
Only 218km for the day, stuck to the tar until Cathgart, the EC drivers in that part of the world so friendly, even the taxis move over for you to overtake and say thank you!

Somewhere near queenstown

At last reached our first gravel for the trip with the turn off to Hogsback. Road beautiful and windy, unfortunately we wanted to get to the Inn before dark so also not much stopping for photos.

Arrived in the town of Hogsback at sunset, friendly staff at the Inn watched while we struggled with our luggage to our room. Same room we had on honeymoon 3 years ago! And enjoyed an excellent dinner of steak and duck before a long sleep!

Day 3: (why ride when you can walk)

We left our bikes parked outside the hotel, and set off for a quick morning stroll after breakfast, accompanied by the hotel bull terrier.

Started off down to swallowtail falls, where the Butch met some other hikers and decided that they where more interesting.

From there we carried on through the forest towards Madonna and Child. Got a bit lost and ended up doing a beautiful contour walk, before getting to Madonna about lunch time. Sun was falling on the waterfall for excellent photos!

Had some chocolate snacks and spent some time suntanning. Then headed off again for more strolling. Tulip demonstrated that only strong ladies can ride BMWs!

And I was getting quite peckish by that stage. Unfortunately the hog lacked necessary condimentsâ?¦

Went for a quick scramble up to Bridal veil falls, would not recommend for anyone considering a knee replacement. And we just missed the sunshine, waterfall in shadow AGAIN (we were a bit late 3 years ago too)

Some more strolling, now far past lunch, and we were very happy to see this sign!

Got back to hotel just before 5pm, somewhere over 10km of different exercise, happy to settle down to good dinner and hot bath. Sorry, no pics suitable for the forum!

Day 4: (or we go exploring)

We woke up and decided that since we where in Hogsback, and had brought 2 bikes, we might as well ride them. Heard the Seymour road was pretty and off we went. Nice to ride light bikes again!

Somewhere on the Seymour pass, which apart from 100m in the middle was actually quite good!

And then we got to the not so good section of road. First thought was to turn around and go back. But we realised we had stopped on quite a steep downhill and turning around was not an easy possibility. So we went on. Iâ??m still amazed that Dragon didnâ??t scrape her bashplate, the dongas where quite deep!

One by one we rode down, very tiring, but looking back was actually lots of fun, glad we couldnâ??t turn back.

Tulip still smiling as she helped Donkey down

The Seymour road had a nice bridge to stop on and play with the local cows. They were very curious, but didnâ??t appreciate me indicating their tastiest bits!

Tulip was a bit worried about punctures, as we tried a test run tire change before we left and couldnâ??t loosen Donkeyâ??s front axleâ?¦ Look at those nice thorns! No puntures thoughâ?¦

It was starting to rain when we got to Seymour, so we cut short our gravel explorations. Again. Headed back cathgart direction on tar. With a quick stop at view sights, well, for the views.

That heavy duty miniature tripod I bought before the trip proved to be quite useful!

We decided to take a different road back into hogsback. Turned out to be a very pretty trip through Happy Valley. Think that road was probably in better condition that the Hogsback main road!

The sign reads â?? remove dentures and hearing aids!

Few stops for photos, still bit worried about the weather which was drizzling most of the time. Keeps the dust at bay!

We ended the day in the sauna with a bottle of Champaign (it was our anniversary!!)

Day 5: (or thereâ??s so much more to ride than bikes!)

This day was to be dedicated to finding a horse to ride! Had to wait till after lunch as most of the horses didnâ??t like the early morning weather. So we spent the morning exploring the hotel gardens, rapidly filling the compact flash cards!

The pool was a little cool, but still nice to play hide and seak around!

Gardens nice and lush, streams everywhere, and the mini tripod begging for some action!

Headed out to the horses, persheran crosses who have 2 speeds â?? walk and stop to eat. We did actually manage to break into a 50m trot on one occasion, I think my horse even managed 2 or 3 paces at a canter! But again, very relaxing to be ferried through the plantations without having to worry about slipping in the mud.

And you get to wear funky hats!!

Afterwards we decided to spend sunset at the hogsback radiotower, highly recommended by the hotel owner. And a beautiful view.

Had a few pitstops while we where getting there, just canâ??t get enough chocolate!

Stopped for a break at the municipal dam, Tulip also decided that lying on her back gave her a different perspective on Donkey.

The radiotower was again surrounded by cows which have no fear of bikes. Practically have to drive into them to get them to move off the road!

Fun to frolic in the long grass!

And then back to the hotel for our last meal. Steak and duck again, best thing we tried on the menu!

Day 6: (mmm, canâ??t think of anything here)

The plan was to ride from Hogsback and sleep in Rhodes. The plan was also to leave before 11:30am. Ag, who needs plans anyway??

We rode through Happy Valley again on the road to Cathgart, since we liked the road so much 2 days before. Sun quite high in the sky for good pics, but had a few stops anyway.

Dragon looked good next to the stream

So did Donkey

Looking ahead at the road to travelâ?¦

Had seen a lovely little chapel 2 days before when it was a bit overcast, stopped this time for some pics. The bikes where happily parked somewhere in the shade.

The last bit of gravel before Cathgart. That last 4km before the tar is definitely the bumpiest!

From cathgart we headed north, then took the road to Tsomo. Which had lots of stop/go roadworks. Eventually turned off onto what looked like a lovely gravel road to Lady Frere.

Got lost once on that road, local resisdents very helpful when stopping for directions. Got helped by a 16year old girl who translated for her grandparents and spoke better English than me!!

Weather started closing in again. Started raining just before we reached Lady Frere, luckily not enough to turn to roads to mud. Was a beautiful road, pity we where in a rushâ?¦

When we arrived in Elliot at sunset we thought pushing through to Rhodes would not be the best idea, so we stopped for the night at a little B&B, with electric blankets and pink pillows (Much to Tulips delight)

And most importantly â?? a hot shower and home cooked meal!

Day 7: (or there are better things in life than the Transkei at night!)

We started the day with a sunrise Easter service next to the Elliot municipal dam. Very beautiful sunrise.

Then after a late breakfast we where off about 9am (quite early for us!). Got a photo of the place we stayed a we where leaving. Was very cosy.

So the plan for today was to drive from elliot to maclear. Via Rhodes. And then on to Port Shepstone to meet tulipâ??s parents.

Not sure of the name of the pass between elliot and barkley east, but very pretty. Just the designers where not considering motorcyclists who like taking photos, very narrow verges.

Then took the road from somewhere between everywhere to Rhodes, we love that part of the country, so beautiful. Hundreds of photos on that road, wonâ??t post them all (you can breathe again!!) Here are just a fewâ?¦ (30 or so)

Just before Rhodes we stopped at what seemed to be the highest point on that road for a panoramic view. And the opportunity to pee a great distance!!

Luckily we didnâ??t need anything in Rhodes, although a meal would have been nice, coz everything was closed!! Even the petrol pumps. Guess thatâ??s what you get on Easter. So passed quickly though again, and started on Naudeâ??s Neck.

Last time we did it pillion on the 650GS in mid winter, at night with ice on the roads. This time we fell considerably less. Not at all, in fact. The road construction crews have moved about 30km in last 9 months, but the bumpy side been resurfaced was a little muddy. Lots of photos again, we find it a particularly stunning mountain pass!

Lovely looking back at all the twisty bits. And remembering the snow men we built before it got dark.

Nearing the top, started to get misty. And can always count on finding a friendly cow to talk to!

As always need the mandatory photos at the very top of the pass. Took the opportunity to decorate the sign post, and air our helmets!

Is it a bird? Is it a fish? Is it a wild dog whoâ??s struggling with their buff?

The other sideâ?¦ This was all new for us. Daylight changes things!!

Stopped to compare sizes. The construction vehicles won!!

Although they do make a nice backdrop for a model shoot!

The rest of the way down was twisty and muddy. With a very thin dry riding track. But in the nice bits we still stopped for more pics. Even convinced Tulip that Dragon had a flat battery (just kidding)

And then we hit the worst bit of road for the day â?? the road to Maclear. 9 months ago at was a lovely smooth road with some nice twists. Now it was a 2nd gear ripped up stretch of loose small rocks which had us thinking Donkey would need another new shock after the holiday!! About 25km of that, and then smooth gravel highway into Maclear. Which was good. We left Maclear after filling up at sunset, drove the Transkei slowly at night, reached Kokstad about 8:30, and had a quiet road down to the coast. Arrived nice and stiff and smelly, perfect end to a wonderful day!

Day 8: (or rest day)

We stayed at home and didnâ??t ride anywhere. i.e. we rested.

Day 9: Ushaka (thatâ??s Sea World for people who donâ??t speak tourist zulu)

So it doesnâ??t count as riding, since we went in a car, still had lots of fun! Took Tulipâ??s parents (and their car) with us, had a nice lunch, watched the dolphins, looked at the fishes, and went snorkling! The snorkling was rather chilly (being overcast that time of the evening) but well worth it!!

Think a whale could fit through that gate? Or is it just for a mighty Zulu warrior?

The dolphins gave an excellent show

And Tulip dreamed of the stories she could tell the grand children about the one that got awayâ?¦

Day 10: Away we goâ?¦ (or all good things come to an end)

So part of the fun of a holiday is realising that eventually you hav to go back to work so that you can actually pay for it!

The only time we where actually on the beach, in Umtentweni. This was actually sunset the night before.

Took a straightforward route home, stopped at the piggly wiggly for a great lunch (thatâ??s in the midlands for those of you who donâ??t get out much)

And entirely by accident, we took a wrong turn and ended up actually finding 20km of gravel to end our holiday!

Was nighttime by the time we reached Volksrust, drove in the dark through standerton and home to Pretoria, getting into bed by 11pm. Nice to have your own bed. And the knowledge that there is still a day off before you have to go back to work!

Thoroughly enjoyed our 3rd Honeymoon, sad to know the next holiday will still be several monthsâ?¦
1348 photos, 2754km, thatâ??s just over a photo for every 2km travelled!

If this was all we could do on Donkey and Dragon, itâ??s worth the money paid!
Absolutely Fantastic !  ;D

Your photo's are great too - Nice trip you had with a lovely route and views
Good to see the ladies on this forum enjoying their bikes as well
Very nice........ ( and very romantic!! ;) )

The pics was nice, the route was nice and your love for each other has shined through
in all the pictures.

Congrats and I'm sure that this trip is definitely not gonna be the last
(anniversary) honeymoon trip for the Lewis family  ;)

Where to next year ?  ::)
Wow what a ride and report. Beautiful way to have a honeymoon. Congrats to you both and may you both share many more miles together.
Your first report was good, this one even better plus huge respect for Mrs Tulip Steed for riding her own bike and going down Mitchells pass.  The best trips are always the ones with only 2 people, escpecially if it's your wife to share with.

Thanks for sharing
:thumleft: :eek:ccasion14:

Glad you made it through that bad patch on Mitchell's pass! Intresting to see some of the places we have also recently been but never took pictures of.
Aaag cute man!
What a nice way to celebrate your anniversary ..
So good to see more ladies getting out there with the guys.
Thanks for the nice report.
Great report, looks like you guys had a lekker trip. 8)
But I must ask, what did you guys pack? Did you take camping equipment with you just in case? If not, what did you manage to fill two big-ass bags and two extended panniers with?
On an anniversary trip one tends to pack more clothes than you would otherwise need on a rough adventure.

And yes, full camping gear, tent, mattresses, gas cookers extra gas, food, tools, tubes, extra camera bits etc all on top of the Strom, and thermal sleeping bags on top of the GS. We where planning on camping a lot. Just got spoilt in the hotel at the beginning and so hard to downgrade after that!  8)
noble steed said:
On an anniversary trip one tends to pack more clothes than you would otherwise need on a rough adventure.

And yes, full camping gear, tent, mattresses, gas cookers extra gas, food, tools, tubes, extra camera bits etc all on top of the Strom, and thermal sleeping bags on top of the GS. We where planning on camping a lot. Just got spoilt in the hotel at the beginning and so hard to downgrade after that!  8)

Ok, then I understand... ;D ;D
We did Namibia with the same intentions and kit, took fixed accom all the way..... ;D ;D
Awsome! REally nicely done you too. This is what it is all about, right here. :thumleft:
Wonderful!  What I would give for a trip with the missus like that!

Well done!
Super 3rd honeymoon great pics , thanks for sharing . Hope you have many more K's together  ;D
Jeeezzzzz what an excellent report.

I'm so jealous. One day when i find a woman that's interested in marrying me i'll do a honeymoon every year and the dogs will say.... "Dammit not again" :D