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Race Dog
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
Triumph 800 XC
Hi Folks

Hate being in these situations not knowing what is going to happen next, I had a minor off and scratched / broke some parts on my GSA.

I don't know if the insurance company is going to entertain a claim as it is the first month and ive only made one payment etc,etc,

The parts i need to replace are like the hand protectors, right rear view mirror, both cylinder head protectors  got scratched and it appears asif the left side pannier
rack is bent.

What are my options if they don't pay, go to BMW or are their other shops that sell the same or similar parts i'm looking for. Bring the bike home from the shop and do it myself, what do you with scratched bash bars, replace, repaint if you can, all advice would be appreciated.

Perhaps I should go and bring the bike home and take and post some pics of the damaged parts on the forum and take it from there.

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