PTA to Tshikondenie... DO NOT DO!!!!

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Sorry to hear of your Troubles.  :-[
I won't do a solo ride, always ride in a pack. That's why, after all, we are called Wild Dawgs :)
Just Blip It! said:
FaaK!! :eek: :eek: So much bad luck on one trip! Sorry to hear, robbed twice, shot at, stopped and bribed by cops 3 times, and stung by bees! That sucks bro!   :eek7: :eek7:

Thanks for the RR. It's a heads up for all of us... Carry extra money hidden on the Bike, Copies of ID, and Drvers(if you have one) :mwink:
We do this for trips to other african countries. We should be doing it here too! Just glad there was no obituary to this Story boet! :thumleft: Ja Hindsight is working again.... :mwink:
This does read like the intro to a Stephen King book a bit  :imaposer:
Think I should start playing lotto.... I have always had bad luck... Well except when gambling...

Only noticed the damage to the bike this morning... My FFS attitude prevented me from looking at the damage till I got home... BASH PLATE NEEDED!!!! Plastc one now has a very neat hole threw it... Not sure where I got this... Might have been when I got lost and stuck in the river bed. Bah! :bueller:
Eeeeiisshhh. Glad you made it back. I thought KZN was bad.
Yip some of those areas towards the back end of Venda are no-go zones..

I see you made a beeg contribution to the "Winter warmer campaign"...  :pot: just think someone is now sleeping warm  :biggrin:
Tonteldoos said:
Yip some of those areas towards the back end of Venda are no-go zones..

I see you made a beeg contribution to the "Winter warmer campaign"...  :pot: just think someone is now sleeping warm  :biggrin:

Haha...South Africa's national sport, Involuntary donating  :laughing4:
Flip, that's crazy. Glad you got home safely in the end.

... does WD maintain a list of unsafe places to ride?
g1_ said:
Flip, that's crazy. Glad you got home safely in the end.

... does WD maintain a list of unsafe places to ride?

Doubt it... It would be too long :)
I have over time  followed you're exploits with keen interest. You give a whole lot of meaning to things, like WILD Dog. This one goes high on the list.

Glad you made it out safely, as somehow you always seem to do. And a memorable trip... "the interuptions make the journey"
Anyone going North of Gauteng, over the easter are grazy. Riding anywhere on dirt in the dark is even worse.  IF you do any of this, you are bound to create and adventure of note  ;D
I sincerely feel that you should get some of the other WD's in Gauteng together and plan a group ride trough the area. Time to take back your country from the damn criminals!

If you all are packing a 9mm or two, that could help!  :ricky:

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