Railway Roads - Witbank/Bronkhorspruit 20090913

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
Zerc and I set off this morning with the aim of finding and documenting a rideable rail service road from eMalahleni (that used to be Witbank) to Rayton.

We failed, but had a lot of fun doing it. I think the reason I could not find any reference to this on the forum is that people may have failed before us. 

Zerc is a great guy to do this sort of exploration with – he is not in a hurry most of the time, and does not get concerned when you have to do a u-turn for the ninety-sixth time because the road disappeared from under you.

Much of today was like that. You would be riding along on a nice service road at a good speed somewhere between 50 and 70 and suddenly the good road turns into a tricky twee-spoor with difficult surfaces and long grass and big rocks lurking in big holes.   

But on to the report.

This was today’s track on the way home.


Woke up far too early and had plenty of time for the wake-up coffee in Faerie Glen. Saw Blazes at the garage getting fuel in - he was heading out to do the same rail line but outward – we decided to do tar out and tackle the railway on the way back.


We started by waking the souls of the departed at the Witbank Cemetery at the start of the leg I have marked as “A”. We could only follow the track for a short while before it lead away from the line but we were able to loop round and get back on it. I am sure we were trespassing on mining land, but there was no sign of anyone. Once back on the rail line it was fairly easy but there were bits of twee-spoor where we had to ride on ballast stones, and the only way is to get a up bit of speed.

The road ended in Clewer and had to tour suburbia (depressing looking place with some quite tricky sandy roads)  but got back on the track on the other side of town on the section marked B

At the end of that section we were out in the country, and all was well until we hit a closed gate and would have had to do quite a bit of unwiring to get through, and we were nervous we were on private property, so we backtracked and detoured on R104 to Balmoral where we were saw what looked like a tricky bit and decided to find a way around it.


The section I marked D we did in reverse, and actually got back to Balmoral and looped back but were confronted by this.   

It may have been possible to manhandle a plastic over the pipe, but not a GS1150 !




On the way was this sphincter-tightening bit. Does not look too bad in the photo but the drop-off to Zerc’s  right was quite steep and the hole on his left was about a bike and a half deep – there was less than 300mm to ride on and no chance of putting a foot down. 


From there we headed back to the R104. We tried a few side roads to get back to the track, and once we got to within a few meters of the rail line but with no way back.

We did manage one last piece just short of Dronkwordspruit, but hit another gate. That bit was nicely sandy in parts and did some nice KLE two-stepping !!  :eek: Zerc said he spent a lot of the time sideways.

All our messing about meant it was getting late in the morning, so from there we gapped it home, leaving the piece from Dronkwordspruit to Rayton for another day.

Wonder how Blazes and KykDaar did from the other direction ?

Thanks to Zerc for the company - appreciate it ! :ricky:

Nice one Gunda. How did the bike feel on those technical bits, is the rear shocks and stuff sorted?
Thanks for the ride GG, I had a good day out and I must say trying to find a route was a nice change from the ride I normally do where I tend to concentrate too much on my preplanned track and don't want to deviate from it. All the back tracking and trying to find a path was quite enjoyable. We were so busy riding the bike I didn't have many chances to take photos so here is my solitary contribution where we hit a bit of a marshy section, it didn't really give us any problems but I think it was after the rains it would be a different story.


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LeonDude said:
Nice one Gunda. How did the bike feel on those technical bits, is the rear shocks and stuff sorted?

Coming to grips with the bike slowly - Back feels a lot stiffer with the repaired shock - ride is firmer but a lot surer.

Been playing about a bit up front with different air pressures in the shocks and in the knobbly front. Still feels a bit "slap" - as if something is loose, and I am wondering if my head bearings (on the bike, not in MY neck) are getting a bit loose.

But we took yesterday at a quite leisurely pace - apart from the bits on the railway ballast and on the sandy bits where its hard to ride slowly.

Another scary bit was the final bit of gravel on the section I marked E - Coming back to the R104. It is quite sandy there and the bike is dancing a bit under me - so I open up the gas a bit (as much as you can with the little 500 twin) - but up ahead I see the stop street at the R104, but as I try to slow down the bike starts to wallow in the sand and I am scared I am going to lose it.

How do you brake in sand without the bike wanting to fall over  :dontknow:
Zerc said:
. . .. . .   it didn't really give us any problems but I think it was after the rains it would be a different story.

Yup, after some rain I think it would be impossible.

And C, I think I must get one of those little eeePc 'puters to take on this kind of ride so that we can take Sergei and Larry with us. Eyeballing the track afterwards in G-E you can see all sorts of ways of getting arround obstacles.

I have a HP iPaq and Nokia N78, both of which can run G-E, but the screens are so small you can't really see anything. Out there in the field size matters.

I wonder if Ram make a bike mount for my laptop and 23" monitor ?    
I have a netbook and a 3G modem, if you remind me next time, I can bring them along
Looks like you had a good day out  :thumleft:, wish I could have made it.
Nice RR, good to do a bit of exploration now and then.

GG, the ouches are healing but I won't be riding for a couple of months, yet.
hey GG,

sorry for not making it on sunday, had to entertain the kids as mom has a big dead line on wednesday, maybe next time?????

so du you thinks there is a way from witbank to pta by railroad?
Nice one Gunda & Zerc. After this coming weekend I should have more time to ride so hopefully can join in future rides
madmike999 said:
hey GG,

sorry for not making it on sunday, had to entertain the kids as mom has a big dead line on wednesday, maybe next time?????

so du you thinks there is a way from witbank to pta by railroad?

No Prob. Was a lot of messing about anyway.

I don't think the whole way. There are many places where there is no service road and no easy detour.

Dunno what Blazes found on the Rayton to Dronkwordspruit section.

But I gotta say that I will never see the coalfields of Witbank as the most gorgeous place to ride.

But, after I checked the track on GE I saw lots of ways you don't see on the ground.

Note to self for next exploration :-

take the little non-mapping GPS and load it with all tracks detours and crossing points visible in G-E - Load the railway into the big GPS

Problem with loading the visible tracks into the GPS with Topo and Rec background is that it becomes seriously busy and confusing, and the el cheapo GPS actually works better. 

I explored the whole Valley of 1000K Hills with just a Garmin Foretrex and Google Earth - took a lot of PC preparation, but it worked very well. 
Have edited and filtered the bits we rode and added to the "master" at:-


i have done a number of trips from bon accord dam railroad all the way to the outskirts of bronkwordspruit, would be cool to go all the way to witbank ? maybe?
madmike999 said:
i have done a number of trips from bon accord dam railroad all the way to the outskirts of bronkwordspruit, would be cool to go all the way to witbank ? maybe?

Sounds like a good trip - have a GPS track for me?

How about a Crater to Rayton ride?

It's time I visited the crater at Tswaing again, but there is always a question as to what to do afterwards - now here is something !
Nice ride Gunda -

wrt riding along the tracks, you can make it all the way to Dronkwordspruit, as I did here.  I'm sure it would be quite easy to make it further, I turned off to get to the dam.

I do recall having to get off the tracks here and there, and pretty much winged it as I went with maps I printed off Veza (not much good).  I think this kind of exploring is best done alone, you don't have to worry about whether anyone is having as much fun as you getting lost and getting found again  ;D
InsiderDirtRider said:
Nice ride Gunda -

wrt riding along the tracks, you can make it all the way to Dronkwordspruit, as I did here.  I'm sure it would be quite easy to make it further, I turned off to get to the dam.

I do recall having to get off the tracks here and there, and pretty much winged it as I went with maps I printed off Veza (not much good).  I think this kind of exploring is best done alone, you don't have to worry about whether anyone is having as much fun as you getting lost and getting found again  ;D

Thaks for the input. Will eyeball those RRs in detail.

Exploring the rail tracks can be fun, but time consuming. It would seem to be easy - just ride next to the line, but in practise it is not so.

I often found myself the wrong side of the line, and . . . .


In 1970 I take a univ. vac job as a mine sampler.

I do my 8 day apprenticeship, and then I get my first solo assignment. I plan the underground trip in detail as I dont wanna get lost.

I get horribly lost.

There is a miner sitting in the crosscut drinking tea and chowing toobies.

"veskoon my meneer. Kan jy vir my se waar is hierdie werksplek?"

"My young friend. Not only did you get off on the wrong level, and take the wrong haulage. Not only did you take the wrong crosscut, but you are in the wrong mine!"


. . . .  end up on the wrong railway line

It's time I visited the crater at Tswaing again, but there is always a question as to what to do afterwards - now here is something !

my old man has a pub and restaurant just outside  Rayton, maybe a crater to rayton and then a cold beer?