Rant Rant . . . Zumo manuals and terminology.

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
I was reading TornadoFS's post here . . . .


Caution - Rant alert - I empathize with the guy. I have spent many long hours trying to help Zumo owners organize their lives  

Y'know what really pisses me off about the Zumo range, is not the Zumo itself, but the manual and the terminology  that Garmin in it's wisdom decides to use in relation to the units.

For fark sake :-
- A waypoint is a waypoint.
- A Route is a route
- A track is a track.

These are easy to understand concepts for all but the doffest of people. Go and Google for the words and you will find a zillion definitions, and they all agree.

If you are a techy, go look at the structure of the industry standard GPX file and you will see elements "wpt", "trk", "rte" - easy -  waypoints Routes and Tracks all laid out beautifully.

In the manual of the my 62s and my  Foretrex 301 they use the above "industry standard" terminology.

And why when they design the Zumo range do they go and confuse the issue?

I find, when I do my GPS workshops, I teach the principles of Waypoints, Routes and Tracks, but the Zumo guys just look at me with blanks stares until I try to explain these terms are expressed in the Zumo manuals and on the Zumo menus using different words.

The manual talks about a "Favourite" - which is really a waypoint.
It talks about a "custom route" that is sometimes a route and sometimes a track.
But a "favourite" can also be a track or a route.

The manual that came with my R1300 ForeTrex is great, but the manuals that I have downloaded for the megarand Zumos (and Nuvis) to help my buddies seem to have tried to simplify the concepts by changing words, and the result is that they have confused the shirt off a whole number of riders and me.

For fark sake Garmin, please get some consistent terminology going here.  

The term "waypoint" is a fundamental concept in the GPS world, but the word only appear once in the Zumo 660 manual - and in the wrong context.

This confusion is enough to put me off the whole Zumo range for life . . . not that I ever had one - thank goodness.

With the Zumos Garmin have striven for "user friendly" and have created "user nightmare".



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