Ready to Race ! - Riverside Mixer 17/6

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I eventually made it to have a beer or two with the guys at the Dros on Friday and a few of us decided to goto Riverside Mixer today for a little ride.
Well it was Groenies idea, I eventually gave in and said I would join him and conned funacide to join us.

Turns out Groenie had a few too many drinks last night and pulled a no show. ;(

Me and Fun had a breakfast and hit the easy trail.  Man has this trail changed since I rode there last month!

Mud pits from hell, the first one was easy with the 950 going around, of course the KDX could ride through anything.

So far so good, Funacide making short work of the tyre and rock obstacle.


Then there were a few logs over the trail, some planted in a V fashion to throw you sideways, again no problem.
Then a precarious ride along the edge of the river that gave Fun a tight moment or two, into this muddy riverbed. This is where it got fun (double meaning that).
I rode through , then we looked at how we were going to get the 950 over this little climb followed by a steep drop.  While we were contemplating this two other guys on offroad bikes came and offered assistance.
All three of us pushed or pulled the big KTM up the slippery rocky ascent, then eased the big bike down the dropoff on the other side.

Here Funacide points to a possible escape route on the other bank having just come down the bit behind him...


The reason he was so keen to find a way out was that this lay ahead.


But thanks to me and this one guy pushing we got the 950 through the thick clay mud.



Once through this we had a little break. One of these bikes is "Ready to Race" the other is an overweight tourer.


The mud was quite hectic.

We then hit the trail again and went up and down along the riverbed. Every climb or tech bit I would stop and see how the 950 did, till this one particularly tricky branch across the path.

Fun came up to it, weight all right as this trail was a little off camber, and he hit neutral right at the wrong spot!
Bike fell to the right; ie downhill into the river, he jumped and landed feet first in said river.
Hahaha, after seeing that he was ok I could take my time taking a photo or two for posterity.



Now the reason its good to have a light bike is when you pull of a Momentary Lapse Of Talent (MLOT) like this you can hop up, pick up the bike and not have this embarrassing evidence on the Internet.

Take my next move for example... After fixing Fun's indicator I decided to ride up the bank that was the shortest way to get to the flat track. It had this overhanging branch and I had to lie forward on the bike or it would take my head off, I got past it, didnt have enough momentum, grabbed the branch that was now behind me and held on!  I had to let it go back down from where I had just come so I released my grip on the tree , rolled back and proceeded to dump the bike on the ground.  See here there may be pictures of me playing Koala bear with the tree, but I managed to get up before there was any evidence of the green beastie lying flat on the ground.
+1 for light bikes!

Thanks Funacide, it was a jol. sorry they changed the route so much , I didnt know!
Other than that MLOT you did great, some of those climbs were a bit ballsy and you did em no sweat.

Funny that, how conditions can change. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Well Fun - Well Done !!  ;D

Those katooms go anywhere, Like Shark says - it's just those small MLOT's

BTW Shark - only Orange is READY TO RACE
Your 200 is ready to race, your 950 is ready to enforce the pain !
Whoohoo! Good going Fun!

Must say, I was looking forward to your firt level position with the Katoom! :twisted: :mrgreen: :wink:

I missed out again! :evil:
Stephan said:
:eek:  :eek: No ways the pig would have participated!

They would still be extracting me and the GSV (yes I got an invite!!!!) .

Welsh  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
shark_za said:
Your 200 is ready to race, your 950 is ready to enforce the pain !

I must admit - that comment brought a smile to my face

I hope you are never right in that regard

Remember my friend Nick - the chap who buggered his ankle in Swaziland on our trip recently.?
Well on the way back from De-Wildt today he and 3 mates - also on 950's - come past us like bats out of hell on the highway. He's still hobbeling on his foot but that did not stop them from doing 3 Fences this morning. We must have just missed them.

I just about died in that riverbed today - they must have suffered big time. Those Whoops are probably at their worst in places
Rode 950's through 3-fences.

The torque will be great, but damn that will be hard work!
I did it last about a month ago and it was hectic.  Of course we all blame you quaddies ;)
shark_za said:
Of course we all blame you quaddies ;)

This is more of a question than a statement, but IMO - I thinks it's the two wheelers that causes the whoops, and not the quads.
We tend to ROLL through the whoops, albeit under power, whilst my observation is that back wheel of a two wheeler causes those whoops and the worse it gets, the more damage that wheel causes ??
All offroad bikes create them under braking, this is why they are worse just before the corners.
A Quad does it with twice the wheel surface and twice as many wheels.

Dude, you forget I'm a quaddie too ;)
shark_za said:
Dude, you forget I'm a quaddie too ;)

I know that, but that's why I'm asking you - as a tweelie fan as well

shark_za said:
All offroad bikes create them under braking, this is why they are worse just before the corners.
A Quad does it with twice the wheel surface and twice as many wheels.

So what you saying is that it's the front wheels and not the back ones ?????. That puts a different perspective on it then
Its the rear wheels bouncing when the weight is shifted to the front under braking.
The back gets really light and the slightest bump makes it jump and and bounce down.
Great ride there.  The LC8's seem to be used more as litre class enduro machines.  Well done Fun!  You should have made Shark push more - it works to get the riders on plastic a bit tired too....
Let me first say that it was awesome fun today and thanks to Shark for all the help in pushing the KTM through some of those sections. Although the 950 is very capable off-road, it is still a 200 kg class machine and not a enduro bike.

The only thing broken tofay is one mirror, which I probably should have taken off before I left. I did do some obstacles today that I didn't think I would make it through and then had a stupid moment and fiund a whole lot of neutral while trying to go over a small tree accross the path.

Pic 1 is before we left and before we knew what was lying in wait for us
Pc 2 is of the emabnkment where Shark lost it
Pic 3 and 4 is of Shark after picking up the KDX in a record time of 0.00002 (hence the lack of evidence) ;D

Thanks for the ride Shark, it was awesome.


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Shark you mentioned yesterday about the mirror mount, where can I get one or would it be specific to the KTM??

Damn my shoulder is killing me today, must have hurt it during the getting the bike out of the mud part...

Thanks for a kewl ride again, it was awesome fun... O0
I got one for my KLR, its specific to the thread of your mirror.
Looks like a very technical ride.

I probability would have had to take the panniers of the pig.
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
