Recce ride ends at Church after the Pub

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Mark Hardy

Grey Hound
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
XT660R said:
Good Morning,
I am doing the last piece of road for Sundays Noob Ride today.
Anybody want to come along, I am leaving the Total Garage in Richwood at 10h00 and must be back at about 14h00.
This is for those of you that are booked off sick ! :imaposer:

This was the post that got me out after nearly three weeks off the Bike. I had the bike stripped and was doing some needed cleaning and general maintenance during this time

Andy called and said he would met me at the Richwood Garage and would not take no as an answer. So at 9.30 am Andy pulls up and promptly fills my tank  :thumleft: and we are ready to get started. Off we go.

Damn it was good to out on the bike again, the weather was perfect. One of those Cape Spring days, no wind, bright warm sunshine. We head out onto the first two gravel roads. There is no rain damage or mud on the roads, Andy indicates that I must ride ahead, cool. On the way to Ocultdale Rd my bikes starts acting up, no power. Firing on one cylinder. We stop and I fiddle a bit and then alls well again.  ;D  Then we get to Slint Rd  :eek: ok this gravel rd is full of pot holes. Hundreds of them but we still can maintain speeds of between 100-12okm/h. My knowledge of this route ends at the bottom of Slint Rd so Andy takes over the front running/leadership role.

We head out onto the new section. Just a lekker track on a farm, so nice airtime in one or two sections but so far all more than comfortable for the Canal Noob Ride. This track last for a couple of kms and we pop out on to what can only be called a gravel raceway, smooth, no loose gravel on the road, one or to potholes but nothing like Slint Rd. The devil pops on our shoulders and OFF we go. Speeds are slowly creeping up, the mountains have snow on them, warn sunshine and green fields, friendly waves from the farm works......Life is great, what a glorious day to be out riding. Did some nice quick riding in the 160km/h area and the Bike is running like a dream. I am one happy happy fellow.

We get to Riebeeck Wes and stop for a bite to eat(never happened) and a beer(happened  >:D ). Ok time to go check out the last part of the route, which was the canal area. mmmmmm I have been looking forward to this section as it is all new to me and if anyone has been on a recce ride with Andy will understand. New tracks to find, getting lost, stuck whatever just bring it on. We leave the pub and not 500m away at the Church bike dies and this time she stays dead. The fuel pump is now and truly finish after it hung on for bear life since the last techday.
Tried to get it sorted but no is fuel pump is F%cked beyond all repair.
So off I go back to the Pub and wait for Toni (forum member to come dale me out the SH%t. Andy heads out to finish with the recce ride for Sundays Canal Noob Ride. A couple of beers later Andy gets back and shortly there after Toni pulls in with his bakkie and the dreaded trailer. We load up and head back to CT.

I would like to thank Both Andy and Toni very much for all the now can add the pics if you wish... >:D  >:D






Nooit mark..... So when you getting a 990!! >:D

Surely that fuel pump is serviceable,might have contact for you.

So how many beers could you get in before help arrived...? +100 to toni....

Andy so hows the road? :thumleft:
Ai daai blerry fool pump.  :'( Well you cant say it didnt warn ya!  :mwink:

Awesome of Andy and Toni - quality doods  :thumleft:
Ja it has warned a couple of times.... ;) now it just says enough is enough.

I will strip it down this afternoon and see if it will give me one last ride.  >:D
You must be one HOLY BROTHER to get beers at the church !!! :p
Agg shit, unlucky Mark. Get a 40105, just remember to turn the petcock off when not riding.
Smithey said:
Agg shit, unlucky Mark. Get a 40105, just remember to turn the petcock off when not riding.

Dont. Get a 40107. Nuff said.
+1 Lito, I will rather wait to get the 40171 pump.

In the mean time I have jimmyed the pump again and all is pomping, don't know for how long but it should give me a couple of hundred kms...I hope. I will go tomorrow to look for a similar pump seeing though it is just a old style Mitibishi pump. I know Clockwork Orange found and used a Jaguar pump to I'll go see Bradleys (forum member) and see what he has to say.

Smithey said:
Agg shit, unlucky Mark. Get a 40105, just remember to turn the petcock off when not riding.
Lito said:
Smithey said:
Agg shit, unlucky Mark. Get a 40105, just remember to turn the petcock off when not riding.

Dont. Get a 40107. Nuff said.
Mark Hardy said:
+1 Lito, I will rather wait to get the 40171 pump.

In the mean time I have jimmyed the pump again and all is pomping, don't know for how long but it should give me a couple of hundred kms...I hope. I will go tomorrow to look for a similar pump seeing though it is just a old style Mitibishi pump. I know Clockwork Orange found and used a Jaguar pump to I'll go see Bradleys (forum member) and see what he has to say.

WTF "a pomp is a pomp" ???????
bradleys said:
Howzit Mark ,show me your pump and will see what I got :thumleft:

Oh dear, is there something you two are not telling me?
KT knows where to leave her boss stranded :thumleft:

The jimey we did on my fuel pump lasted a good 6000km now. I guess its time to start getting nervous about it now?
Andy 950 said:
KT knows where to leave her boss stranded :thumleft:

The jimey we did on my fuel pump lasted a good 6000km now. I guess its time to start getting nervous about it now?

:imaposer: that she does.

I had to fit a slightly larger spacer in now.......hope it last for at the weekend.

No thread that I've seen, but it basically entails fitting a piece plastic about 1mm thick and gluing it to the rubber stopper on the one end of the points, this shortens the stroke of the pendilum, ensuring the burnt contact makes again.
You need a bit of fine sandpaper to clean the burnt point as well.
Replacement part= +/- R 2000!!!
Andy 950 said:

No thread that I've seen, but it basically entails fitting a piece plastic about 1mm thick and gluing it to the rubber stopper on the one end of the points, this shortens the stroke of the pendilum, ensuring the burnt contact makes again.
You need a bit of fine sandpaper to clean the burnt point as well.
Replacement part= +/- R 2000!!!

Fit the piece of plastic between the rubber and the static contact, a piece of cable tie works great. I know Lito has posted a pic or two on ADvRider and will try to find them.

Bradley gave me a facet pump from his second hand shelf and XT660R help with making a rubber sleve so that could mount the pump in excactly the same spot as the old pump. Had a good ride this weekend and am pleased to say that all went well. No problems.

Thanks for the help Guys.  :thumleft: