Riding in the TA

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Trailrider said:
I got this idea from a forum banner on WD. Who-ever did it first â?? it was a great idea! :thumleft:


This is the pic I was talking about. Who'se bike is this?


wino said:
nice ride tr, in terms of bike and trippie! may i suggest that tw42 for the back? after some experimentation, this is the best ds tyre for me  ;)

Ditto on the ride and trip. Agree with Wino that the TW42 is an excellent all round ds tyre, but if you do lots of commuting, distance and a bit of speed on tar, it runs down very quickly and you don't get a lot of mileage. However in George where you would be five minutes away from places like Montagu pass, it should fit the bill just about perfectly. On dirt I still prefer the TW42's to the Scorpion MT's I'm running at the moment, but the Scorps give me much better traction on (wet) tar and they last a lot longer.
Wino / Sot

What's your experience with TKC's?

I'm thinking TKC front and TW42 rear.