Road Traffic regulations for bikes

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Pack Dog
Apr 4, 2006
Reaction score
KTM 1190 Adventure
Hi all

Just something interesting I found in the National Road Traffic Act Regulations.

Government Gazette 32238 Government Notice No.R. 589 of 27 May 2009

"Duties relating to motor cycle or motor tricycle"

"309. (1) No person shall drive a motor cycle or motor tricycle on a public road unless his or her feet are resting on the front foot-rests suitable for the purpose and, where the design of such motor cycle or motor tricycle makes it possible to do so, he or she is seated astride on the saddle of such motor cycle or motor tricycle.

Making illegal to place your feet on front crashbars, cylinder pods or even on the rear pegs.  Seems if driving with your feet off the pegs is also illegal (except if you stop, shaait I hope so).  It is not even legal to lift one leg off the pegs to get that fart out. :p

309 (6)(a) Persons, other than traffic officers in the performance of their duties, driving motor cycles on a public road, shall drive in single file except in the course of overtaking another motor cycle, and two or more persons driving motor cycles shall not overtake another vehicle at the same time: Provided that where a public road is divided into traffic lanes, each such lane shall, for the purposes of this paragraph, be regarded as a public road.

Remember if stopped for this you were busy overtaking your buddy !!!!! >:D

309 (8) Any person driving a motor cycle or motor tricycle on a public road shall do so with at least one hand on the handlebars of such motor cycle or motor tricycle.

Is it legal to have a beer in the other hand????? ??? :ricky:

309 (9) Any person driving a motor cycle or motor tricycle on a public road shall do so in such manner that all the wheels of such motor cycle or motor tricycle are in contact with the surface of the road at all times.

What crap this is ??? :imaposer:

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