Rode a Kove today

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Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Got a go on the demo bike at Offroad Cycles. Only road riding but what a sweet ride. It’s tall but slim and light so most won’t have issues with that. I’m 1.76m and it was no problem. Gears nice and precise. Spacious bike and the fairing does not feel like it’s up in your face like some other bikes. Power I would say is simular to a modded DRZ E. Have read at higher revs it makes more power but did not get up to those speeds. Dash nice and clear, well positioned. Stock pipe with DB killer out is quite loud, really thought it was an aftermarket silencer on the bike. Feels just as you would expect from a KTM or Japanese bike. Switchgear good feel. Heard new shipment is on it’s way.
Damn, I so want to need this bike.

Moenie, bly weg..... want jy sal jou EVolvo smous omdat jy net gaan gatskuur inni boondocks heeldag heelweek heeltyd!
Jou vrou gaan jou skei omdat jy soos n filthy baastid by die huis kom, met vliegies op jou tanne, en daai arme Mini sal wegroes weens utter neglect.
En nee, ek's ernstig hierso Oompie, ek het dan my 701 (wat jy ken!!) verkoop omdat ek het sien aankom ek sal die ding nie meer gebruik nou dat die Kove hier is...

O, ek gaan nou op hom klim om my bakkie te gaan haal in Delmas, en dis amper als teerpad .... en nooit ek se, ek sal nie my new 500 vir dit gebruik nie!

Ek het jou gewaarsku..... ;) (y)