Rosslyn Quarry Ride

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Race Dog
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
DKW (all models)
Time - 8h30
Busy trying to restart bike.
Reason - Taking laaitie to the quarries to learn to ride.

Eventually the bike started, and we head the road to Pretoria North, where we met up with Topie, Jr, and Mrs Topie, who kindly showed us the road to the quarry.

As we arrive there, I am on my bike, Topie, Jr and Mrs Topie on theirs, and my mrs and laaitie in the Renault with the PW in the back.
First bit of gravel (my first time ever) and it goes ok, until the first sand are in the road. Thick soft and plenty.

Slow, slower, ok bit faster, this is slippery, but ok, bit faster and then I lost balance, and bike stopped. 2nd gear is not for thick sank (I know that now). Jr decided to show the nood how to ride sand, and went from hero to zero in 3 meters. Went down next to me, lucky softly.

Eventually we found a nice spot, and unloaded, but Monster had other ideas. Refused to climb out off the car and getting kitted up. Eventually he went for a short ride on his bike with mommy, and then with the Jr.

Eventually Jr started playing with the PW, and Monster got more interested. And then without knowing it, Monster started riding (with less and less help from Jr). Eventually he was riding, and Jr merely a pillion.

In the meantime Topie and Mrs Topie was riding around the quarries, I did minimal riding as I still have assles with bitch who was spluttering most of the time with major power losses.

If you go ride there - there are signs of "No Swimming, Crocodiles) and we saw one of them. Maybe listen to the owners. They know better.

Jr - Well done man. You made a little boys day today. :thumleft:
Topie and C - for showing us around  :thumleft:
Nunique - and Monster - tx for the day out :thumleft:

Photos and video links following soon.


Some pics




When they say crocs, they mean it




And the 2 that had most fun

What a lekker day ......Sharingroads and Nunique  it was a nice outing...and a pleasure to show you were Monster can learn to ride.. (next time we organize better and take a few extra thingies meat,salads,a braai,a few camp chairs...drinks and coffie for Mrs

Monster did learn quickly though but i wonder if he realizes that he actually managed to ride his bike and with a pillion at that. He did very well
JNR is equally impressed with the little PW...

Aangaande daai krokkedil.. ek dag Johan maak n grap toe hy se ons moet versigtig wees daar rond.
En daar le ta sowaar in die son en bak  :eek:
Ons moet beslis weer so maak    :thumleft:

luv2ride said:
Waar is die quarry en is dit 'n lekker plek? Is daar baie quads?

Geen quads nie. Mens moet baie mooi vra om daar te gaan ry. Dis 'n working quarry, so daar is plekke wat jy nie mag ry nie.
MINZI said:
Kom nou Douglas, waar is die foto's?

Ja dammit. Kry daai knoop uit jou panty en gaan kyk die eerste post wanneer jou vrou jou weer toestemming gee om op die internet te gaan.
Sharingroads said:
MINZI said:
Kom nou Douglas, waar is die foto's?

Ja dammit. Kry daai knoop uit jou panty en gaan kyk die eerste post wanneer jou vrou jou weer toestemming gee om op die internet te gaan.

Baie nice man! Ek gaan nie vra waar die ATGATT is nie.  :pot: