Route to track conversion via the clipboard using WinGDB

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
Gunda, read the friggin manuals . . . you may learn something.

What I learned is that WinGDB has a neat clipboard capability that I wonder if you guys know? If not, read on. 

I have known for a while that you can open two different "instances" of Mapsource (ie open the mapsource program twice) and use the standard windows clipboard to copy and paste routes, tracks and waypoints between the instances.

So I was wondering what gets written to the windows clipboard when you copy a route, thinking that maybe the so-called hidden track (the track that mapsource calculates according to your routing settings) is also copied onto the clipboard.

So I google, and to my delight discover that the clever dude (Edward Sackman - thanks fella) is way ahead of me and has already built the route to track conversion on the clipboard into the version of WinGDB I already have and use.

So you can convert a route to a track by just using the clipboard - neat.

It works like this in MapSource:-

1. Open MapSource.
2. Create a route, or routes, the normal way by clicking the start, via and end point.  
3. In the routes tab locate the routes(s) you want to convert, hightlight it or them, right click and select "copy". The routes are now on the Windows clipboard.
4. Open up WinGDB and click the "to clipboard menu" button.
5. In this screen select option 11 - "Convert routes to track with all route points"
6. Click the button "Convert to Clipboard". This will cause all route on the Windows clipboard to be converted to tracks, which are then saved on the clipboard. Neat trick Mr Sackman.
7. Go back to Mapsource, click the tracks tab, in that tab right click and select "paste". The routes converted to tracks are now in the tracks list, and if you want to you can go back to the routes tab and delete the converted routes.

Much easier than saving files etc.
