Sani Lookout Point

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I threw the GS1200 twice down Sani this weekend. Got caught on the 2nd left turn down front wheel just went. Bang!! Some oak ran down down and helped me. Got to the next right turn and almost went off the cliff, again lost the front wheel and again Bang! Some guy who was fixing his KLR ran down and helped me pick the bike up. Nice people...

Sani wasnt funny this weekend, lots of loose rocks and loose road, made riding it difficult. Black mountain pass was the worst ive seen it in years.

I had this point plugged as a stop over but becuase of mechanical issues I couldnt make there but maybe next time  ???
stan1975 said:

Jislaaik, you should have banged on, 3rd times a charm.

But seriously why the falls? Bike issues?

Not going up - I was going downm makes it even worse.  :lol8:  :lol8: No excuse im a kak bike rider  :imaposer:  :imaposer:

No it was very loose and rocky and the front wheel just slid out from under me on both occasions, the GS is also big for a skinny oak like myself so I couldnt hold her up when she went down.

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