Saturday at Atlantis (Pics fixed!)

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Race Dog
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
BMW R1150GS Adventure
Me, my girlfriend and three guys went to Atlantis on Saturday and enjoy a few hours there.  The sand wasn't that difficult to ride because of the rains, but there was the occasional fall.

The girlfriend didn'y liked the unstable bike and suggested that she would take the pics  ;)

Now and then it dug itself in with alot of help from MY side, damn!!!

I met  with Danie (1200 GS Adv), Cobus (1150 GS) and Stephan (650 X challenge) 

I had a TKC front and a Pirelli Scorp at the back and the TKC at the front does make a huge difference in order to keep the front stable!

Here Danie is going to the top of quite a steep dune which we enjoyed quite alot!!  It's not nice getting stuck 3/4 up!!!!!!

Here I stopped and the bike fall to the lower side and my legs were to short to hold it. 

Danie on his way up.......

And the photographer (mine!!!)
On our way out of the dunes she had her first fall with me......damn she did good in the sand as a pillion!!

Was quite an joyfull day on the big pigs!  But they can make you sweat when you get stuck on the wrong places!!

<Edit: Pics Resized>
Ag sh!t, the pics are to big!!!!  Sorry for that, didn't want it like that!!
Hope you can see it anyway :(

Do I have to delete the post or is there a way I could make the bloody pics smaller other than to repost?
Lekker one Gerhard. Respect to you people for riding the sand. I'm pretty sure my bike will have lots of little lie - downs if I tried that!  ;D
gerhad said:
Ag sh!t, the pics are to big!!!!  Sorry for that, didn't want it like that!!
Hope you can see it anyway :(

Ag Sh!t..........nou is die pics weer te klein!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Nice ride Gerhad :ricky:

...................and nice girlfriend ;)
Well done on taking those big bikes into Atlantis. I have ridden there many times before and it is not as easy as you guys make it look.
Giraffe said:
Well done on taking those big bikes into Atlantis. I have ridden there many times before and it is not as easy as you guys make it look.

Especially when youre riding  :ricky: :pot:

Hey congrats dude - going Atlantis with a pillion is a great challenge- awesome stuff.

Great girl, great ride, great day - congrats!  O0
That must have been fun!  I would love to play on dunes like that one day but not with big bikes like you did.  Too heavy for me.

Oh, and she's got beautiful eyes.
anton_ said:
Ai dit lyk lekker! :drif:

Ek sien daai TKC van Swakop het nie vreeslik lank gehou nie ;D

Die ouens dink mos dis net KTM's wat tires eet....  Die 1100 vat nie groot happe nie, maar hy eet ook ;D ;D  Het eintlik ma net 'n nuwe tire opgesit omdat ek een kon kry.  Die TKC sal weer op 'n stadium diens doen.... >:D
Looks like you had a lot of fun. Would love to join you next time if possible.
Nice ride Gerhad. Nice to see the 'big bikes' playing like children (aka plastic bikes).

Good on ya. :thumright:
stevh0 said:
Bliksem, i never thought id ever see a BMW in the dunes! :p

Dont do it! Next thing you will have Tsiklonaut or someone showing you how superior BMWs are, and riding up 90degree sheer walls of sand.


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